chapter 37

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After Itachi left

*Naruto closed the door and went back to the kitchen, he put his apron back on and went back to finishing the dishes. Sakura kept her eyes on N, still amazed that someone could outlast itachi*

Sakura"Sasuke can never know, he'll want to fight N and causs trouble"

*Sakura thought, with the color of her face leaving a little, meanwhile Hinata was looking at the fridge trying to find it*

Naruto:if your looking for the chocolate I used it all on the dessert.

Hinata:can you make more? Please!

*Hinata said with a bit of crazy eyes, this being the first time she tasted hazelnut chocolate. Naruto winced a little and shook his head no*

Naruto:I cannot, the nuts I need are in iron country, I would have to wait for miss Takeda to mail me some, that could take another 2 weeks

Naruto "I mean I could use the butterflies to migrate my way there..."

*Naruto thought as he looked at Hinata licking the plate for any speck of hazelnut chocolate that may be left"

Naruto"but I've seen that look in her eyes before, when Jin first tried it. I'm not going back there"

*Naruto trembled at the thought of the strongest member of his friend group, going crazy for Chocolate*

Naruto:anyways, I'm gonna go do grocery shopping. Your both free to join me

Sakura:sure, it's still early before I have to meet my team

*Sakura said with a shrug, as they both grabbed one arm of Hinata and dragged her with them*

Scene change

With menma and Jiraiya

*we see our grandfather & grandson duo in the Hokage office, menma was frozen in fear as in front of him wasn't his parents. But the Hokage and the captain of the Anbu operation*

Minato:so, you stole the shadow clone scroll, left it unsupervised, and it got destroyed. Did I get that right?

Jiraiya:well... I also got you two matching earrings

*Jiraiya said nonchalant, unlike menma who was 1 step away from peeing himself, Jiraiya was calm over the situation. The pressure in the room got worse as it became harder to breath*

Minato: Jiraiya, of all the stupidest, irresponsible things you've done, the things I've turn a blind eye too, but this? You know as well as i do the consequences of destroying a forbidden scroll

Jiraiya:yup, death I hope you'll be able to forgive me one day

*Jiraiya said as the door opened, mountains and mountains of paperwork to be filled. Menma looked confused as Minato started signing them*

Menma:wait, what? He destroyed a national treasure and all that's gonna happen is paperwork?

Minato:son, you'll understand this one day. But I'm the Hokage. I'm literally above the law, what I say goes, but to not start a revolution like In Kirigakure, I need to throw the councils a bone here and there. All this paperwork is basically meaningless garbage, they all know that but not like they can do anything to hurt me

*Minato said with a shrug, menma was feeling kinda disgusted by the power his father had*

Menma:but, shouldn't there be accountability?

Minato:and there is, for the people that are not part of my family.

Jiraiya:nepotism at it's finest, so I'm gonna leave you with that

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