chapter 13

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Days later

*Tazuna was walking to his backyard and saw Naruto waiting for him there meditating in front of a fire*

Naruto:hello tazuna Sama

Tazuna:hey kid, why did you want to talk to me before we left?

*Naruto  stretched his arms as he looked at tazuna and offered him a kind smile*

Naruto: please sit down tazuna Sama. I wish to tell you an old iron country tale. It's story the scholars has found and piece together over time

Tazuna:ok? Guess I owe you that much

*Tazuna said with a soft chuckle since he owes Naruto everything. He sat down in front of Naruto as he started*

Naruto:long ago, long before the samurai and the Shinobi went to war for the soul of the elemental nations. There was this samurai who had the power to walk on they sky a Skywalker if you will, his name and the name of his beloved was lost to the sands of time. But his story and message lives on

Tazuna:alright, I'll bite. What's the messages?

*Naruto chuckled and grabbed a bag of dust from his pocket. Tazuna looked confused but went along with it*

Naruto: patience tazuna Sama, patience. This Skywalker was a grand and powerful samurai, who lived by the way of bushido. That is until he fell in love with a beautiful woman

Tazuna:why is that bad? You samurai aren't allowed to date or something?

*Naruto shrugged thinking of the man who could walk on skies, and how even if he did loss his honor, he could understand why when his clan all but forced him do that route*

Naruto:we are, but the group this  Skywalker was in, forbade attachments. There mentality was that attachments led to breaking the bushido code, honestly it just made them weaker in my opinion. We human are emotional creatures, to live a life without emotions is no life at all

Tazuna:ah, ok continue

*Naruto threw some dust on the fire and tazuna's eyes widen as a picture was starting to form in the smoke a man and a woman with a strange head gear*

*Naruto threw some dust on the fire and tazuna's eyes widen as a picture was starting to form in the smoke a man and a woman with a strange head gear*

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Naruto:Skywalker and his beloved had to keep there relationship a secret less his clan find out. If they did he would have to commit suppuku to regain his honor. Slowly but surely there love grew but with that also his fear of losing her. He started to receive nightmare of his wife dying, he searched for a way to trick death in to keeping his wife by his side. He unfortunately found a way, an ancient evil way to keep his wife alive. He trusted a Shinobi, who told him of a Jutsu that could fool death itself

*Naruto threw another handful of dust to the fire and the image of a vile creature like human took form from the smoke*

*Naruto threw another handful of dust to the fire and the image of a vile creature like human took form from the smoke*

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