chapter 28

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Sakura:hey, mind if I keep you company till my teams comes....back....

*Sakura blushed a bit and was scandalized as Naruto took off the top half of his kimono giving Sakura a nice long view of his toned back. That blush quickly changed into surprised, that someone so young could have so many scars.*


*Naruto turned around with a raised eyebrow as Sakura saw his chest and more importantly more scars*

*Naruto turned around with a raised eyebrow as Sakura saw his chest and more importantly more scars*

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Naruto:sorry, did you say something?

Inner Sakura:Shānnarō! Touch it, touch it!!

*Sakura could hear that little voice in her head repeats, she shook her head and stopped herself from doing something ino would do*

Sakura: those...are a lot of scars

Naruto:the price of being a honorable warrior, in a world without honor. But I'm not too focus on them. They're just my trophies

*Naruto said looking at the scars he's accumulated over the years and travels. Sakura looked at him confused*

Sakura: trophies? But there just scars, there just ugly, uh no offense

Naruto:none taken, and I'll answer you question with a fact, there's this monks that live on a high mountain, far away from civilization, I met them once in my travels and they taught me how to see my scars as something different

*Naruto sat down and invited Sakura to sit down, Sakura sat down in front of him, Naruto took out a scroll and opened it, a small buff of smoke came from it, when he smoke cleared a tea cup appeared. Naruto grabbed The cup and showed it to Sakura, the cup was golden lines running across it*

Naruto:they taught me the art of kintsugi 'to join with gold' they glued this cup together with glue mixed with gold powder. The scars of this cup were transformed into something beautiful, something valuable.

*Naruto placed the cup back down and touched one of his scars. Sakura just kept looking at him waiting for him to continue*

Naruto: The same could be said about humans and the scars we take, look at my scars as another form of kintsugi, there not imperfections but trophies

*Naruto raised his hand with a scar to the sky with a smile, he remember the wise words that old man aang was mind enough to give do an outsider*

Naruto:there battles that I've won, the days I almost lost my own life but I made it to the other side with bravery. Those are the days that my skin opened and the skin healed back, making me stronger, more unique, more....well me. So no I don't see them as ugly, quite the opposite. I see them as my own golden powder making my body better

Sakura:I..see, can I touch one?

*Naruto gave Sakura his arm, Sakura grabbed it and rubbed her hand on the scar, she didn't know what to expect but the texture was oddly smooth*

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