chapter 31

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Naruto: while I won't harm your dog, you on the other hand, need to be taught a lesson. And I will be the instrument of your education, come stand up and face me


Kiba;what the hell was that...

*Kiba said with a soft groan as he got up, taking the blade out of his palm, and throwing it away, he glared at Naruto and then at akamaru*

Kiba: akamaru, what the hell is wrong with you?! Come over here!

Naruto:you canine companion, shall not play a part in your education. So I would keep your attention at me

*Naruto said with a cold calmness, one only gets through life experience I would say being part of a civil war gave Naruto that. Akamaru held his bleeding hand, while his feet got into position for another attack*

Kiba:what did you do to him?!

Naruto:are you always so loud? You're the living embodiment of the dumbest people are always the loudest

*Naruto said as he cracked his knuckles, Kiba started growling, his eyes widen a little as kiba could see the outline of what akamaru saw but couldn't make it out*

Naruto:if you must know, your beloved companion, understand something that you don't

Kiba:and what is that?

*Hinata eyes widen completely when Naruto became a blur to them, he gain his physical form again and backhanded Kiba on his face sending him flying to a tree, hard enough to crack the bark*

Naruto:powewise we're on completely different levels you mutt

In the sidelines

*Hinata had her eyes widen seeing N in battle, her theory of him just being a normal civilian completely out the window*

Hinata:what ? But I thought he didn't use Shinobi techniques how did he flicker like that?

Kurenai:that's because he didn't, he didn't use any chakra, that was a purely physical move

*Hinata looked at her sensei surprised, kurenai having the eyes of a jounin could tell this boy wasn't a civilian not even close*

Kurenai"if he gets too serious I'll need to step in..."

*Kurenai thought as he noticed something, Naruto's legs. They were shaking if only a little. In the fight Naruto was waiting for Kiba to stand up again*

Kurenai:shino, let's use this as a educational lesson. What do you see

Shino: the human body can only take so much that's why we Shinobi use chakra, but this men this... N is only using physical force. He became almost naked to the human eye, to use that much force in such a short distance will take it's affect on the body. This fight, it's a question on who has more will the butterfly holder, or the canine

*Shino said analyzing the fight, he was no Shikamaru, but shino was good in his own right when it came to analyzing someone*

Back to the fight

*Naruto stopped walking and just watched Kiba try to stand, also to give his body time to calm down after he pushed it to the limit*

Naruto:are you planning on standing any time soon? Or are you gonna lay there trying to wrap your mind on things you can't understand?

Kiba:shut up!

*Kiba spat as he tried to get up but kept stumbling down, that punch had enough force to make kiba's brain move inside his skull almost hitting the bone and knocking him unconscious. Naruto having rested his legs enough to the point it stop there shakings, began to walk towards Kiba again*

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