chapter 4

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*we see Naruto in a field the most beautiful place in iron country. There there was his friends and the people he considered family, and next to him was the woman he's been in love since he was 5*

Monk:Naruto do you take emiko Ami to be your beloved till Kami do you part? Do you promise to cherish her, protect her, and be with her till the end?

Naruto:I swear by my honor

Monk: and you emiko...

Emiko:yes I swear by my honor, now come on can we skip to the good part?

*Emiko said with the grin that always made Naruto weak at his knees. Naruto and emiko kissed, when Naruto pulled back, the whole world changed he was no longer in the beautiful field but at the orphanage. he just opened the door to see Emiko being killed, Naruto wanted to scream but no words would come out, the dark figured jumped out of the window as naruto followed but it was already gone, he kneeled down to Emiko placing her head on his lap, she was cold to the touch, with a kunai still jabbed in her heart*

Real world

*Naruto woke up calmly not being the first time he had to relieve that memory no matter how good the dream was it would always end the same way. Naruto sighed and looked out the window the sun was just starting to rise he gave a soft smile *

Naruto:another beautiful morning wouldn't you agree?

*Naruto said to no one as he got up and stretched, he went outside the house and started his usual training regimen. Or well he would've if he didn't hear something at the other side of the house. So there he walked and leaned against the wall when he saw the culprit*

Naruto:your gonna hurt yourself like that

*Inari flinched as he had in his hands Naruto's blade, Naruto walked up to him and kneeled down to his level and presented Inari his hand*

Naruto:may I?

*Inari gave Naruto his blade as Naruto stood up and walked up to a tree. *

Naruto:a word of advice my old sensei gave me. A blade is just a blade

*Naruto strikes the tree only cutting a bit of the bark*

Naruto:only when the blade is paired with proper training

*Naruto got in to the correct form and sliced the tree in one slice, the tree fell pretty much waking the adults inside. Naruto turned around and smiled at the boy*

Naruto:does the blade truly become a deadly weapon

*Naruto placed the sword back in its scabbard he tossed it to Inari who grabbed it stumbling. Naruto ruffled Inari's hair*

Naruto:now, how about we got back inside for your mother's breakfast?


Small time skip

*we see Naruto and Inari inside, with tsunami scolding Inari for stealing the blade again, Naruto just watched it happened while he drank his tea*

Naruto:i wouldn't be so hard on the boy, swords are just cool can you a blame a child for wanting to use something like that? Be thankful he still has some childlike innocent left inside him

*Tsunami looked at Naruto and then at Inari, she sighed and sat down to eat her breakfast, with Inari joining them*

Tsunami: you've become such a pain in this household

Naruto:it's only been 3 weeks that's a new record for me not gonna lie, but even if I didn't live here, I'm not leaving until the bridge was finished, and you would just find another way to be angry with me

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