chapter 42

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Later on in the day

*It was mid day, mito was off in class excited to find out who her new teammates will be, Sakura was off gossiping with ino about this new blonde boy ino met, Kushina was vibrating with excitement since she's gonna be mito's sensei, while Minato? He was putting ice on his black eye when he told Kushina that she won't be getting mito as her student. Let's just say Kushina won that discussion. And Naruto? We see him and Hinata meditating at the roof of there apartment again, they've made it a bit of a tradition to do this at least twice a week*

Naruto:and breath out

*Naruto said calmly as he heard Hinata taking a breath and letting her worries just fly away....ok trying to let her worries fly away*

Naruto:well, that's enough for today. Want to hang out?

Hinata:s..sure what do you have in mind?

*Hinata asked as they both got up and started walking out of the rooftop. Don't misunderstand the situation, this was not a romantic date*

Naruto:you decide, I'm simply a tourist remember

Hinata:o..oh I couldn't possibly decide, I'm fine with whatever honest

*Hinata said twirling her fingers, and Naruto could only give out an internal sigh, this is the reason why he only feels a friendly attraction to hinata, since for Naruto his partner needs to have some fire in them, they need to be someone who takes charge someone who isn't afraid to call him out, and if he deserves it whack him behind the head, etc. The point being that Hinata isn't Naruto's type*

Naruto:very well, how about we just walk around until we see something that catches our eyes?

Hinata: that's...that's sound fine. There's a park near here that sells amazing ice cream, miss namikaze always buys it for me whenever she drags me out of me room to "get some sunlight"

*Hinata said with a small smile and a big roll of her eyes, Naruto snickered and nodded in agreement as they left there apartment complex*

Scene change

*We see them in the park, they ended up having some ice scream and just enjoy the day, that is until Hinata heard someone, someone who brought her fear seeing as who she was with*

Lee:Hinata hello!!

Hinata"oh you mother plucker"

*Hinata thought as she saw lee running do them. Naruto raised his eyebrow looking at this person wearing a green jumpsuit, and the thickest eyebrows Naruto has ever seen on a human being, he couldn't help but mutter*

Naruto: by Buddha those are some Bushy brows

Hinata:don't tell me, tell him

*Hinata muttered back as lee stopped in his tracks in front of the two, a small gust a wind behind him*

Lee: hello Hinata! Oh who's your friend?

Hinata:lee this is my roommate N, N this is my friend Lee

*Hinata said while internally praying to each and every god she can think off that neither of them says "the power of youth". Naruto got up and gave Lee his hand, lee shook it vigorously*

Lee:pleasure to meet you! I'm sorry I can't stay, I'm on a hunt!

Naruto:a hunt? And who pray tell are you hunting? Maybe we can help?

*Naruto asked, completely missing the look of dread on Hinata's face, lee raised his hand and shook his head*

Lee:no, I must do this on my own. The man or woman I'm hunting is my brother, my sister, someone who lives by the code, someone who understands the power...!!

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