chapter 10

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*Naruto turned around and blocked a slash from the real Zabuza. Naruto felt on one knee struggling to withstand Zabuza superior strength*

Zabuza:you haven't seen anything yet you samurai....


*The sound of metal clashing against metal could be heard against the bridge as we see Naruto and Zabuza in the middle of battle*

Zabuza:Water Style: Water Dragon Missile

* Naruto grunted as he was pushed back on the defensive as the water dragon engulfed Naruto sending him flying back while Zabuza took a few breath to regain his strength*

Zabuza:that's the problem with you samurai, always fighting with that code, you would have a better chance if you would just use a jutsu

*the dragon took Naruto out of the bridge and made a straight line to the waters below*

Zabuza:I don't have that problem

*Naruto got out and stabbed a pillar to stop him from dying from drowning, he quickly made his way back up and jumped behind Zabuza bow and arrow already in hand as he managed to stab Zabuza's back 3 times before landing*

Naruto:we samurai are stronger because of our code. We don't need you're filthy Justus

*Naruto said with hatred water dripping out of his body. Zabuza turned around holding his blade over his shoulder as they ran at each other to start it all over again. Naruto had more skill then Zabuza with a blade but sadly for Naruto Zabuza had the strength advantage. Naruto blocked another attack and was pushed to the floor. Naruto looking up his vision still blurry from the blood transfer, Naruto raised his blade holding it with both hands as Zabuza slashed down making Naruto fall to his knees, Naruto grunted as he jumped out of the way letting Zabuza's blade get jamed in the wood*

Zabuza:all that bravado and look at you running away like a coward

Naruto:I run from no man Shinobi, especially not a Shinobi scum without a heart. Come and face me you monster

*Naruto said his vision still a little blurry as he ran toward Zabuza. Zabuza took his blade out of the the bridge and ran to Naruto that's when Zabuza' eyes widen , at the last minute Naruto swapped his weapon faster then Zabuza could react, instead of his sword Naruto had his spear out. Naruto jammed his spear on Zabuza shoulder making him grunt in pain, Naruto twisted the spear and broke the wooden part to make it harder for Zabuza to take it out. Naruto took a few steps back as Zabuza one handedly swung his sword at Naruto. Naruto used the now staff to block the now weaker strike but Zabuza was still strong enough to break the staff and send Naruto flying to the rail taking the wind out of his body*

*Naruto jumped out of the way of Zabuza's strike and swung his own blade as Zabuza pulled up Naruto pulled down when it happened.the sound of the blade of Naruto's spear was heard falling against the wood as Zabuza fell to the ground and gave out a scream as Naruto slashed Zabuza's left arm clean off. Naruto took a few steps back holding his own blade with both arms feeling the blood from multiple open cuts slowly fall from his body*

Naruto:get up, I know you still have some fight in you demon now get up!!

*Naruto said with a growl, Zabuza grunted in pain as with one hand he did another justsu seal, the water around them came to Zabuza and wrapped around the wound stopping Zabuza from dying of blood loss. Naruto and Zabuza glared at each other as they ran toward each other slashing there blades against each other again. Naruto had the wind taken out of his body as Zabuza kicked him in the liver once more sending him against the rail as Naruto tried to regain his strength. Zabuza fell on one knee
Feeling the affect of all the blood he lost. Zabuza eyes widen as an arrow hit against his sword's blade with enough force to send it flying to the sea bellow. He looked at Naruto holding the bow responsible and a smirk on his face*

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