chapter 35

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Naruto:oh, I love the sound of that

*Naruto said with a small grin. Sadly for the perverted wolf that is Naruto's hormonal side another customer came in*

Kushina:hello ichiraku family! It's time to feed the beast!


Ayame:hello Kushina, I'll start ringing your order now, sorry iron guy but I have to go

Naruto:believe me it's a darn shame, not having someone so pretty on my side. But a job comes first I understand that. And please, Call me N

*Naruto said with a charming smile, as Ayame went to the back, Naruto licked his lips a little watching the girl walk away, since N was a true warrior, he doesn't care about the chest, no he leaves that for the weak and uneducated, no sir, our ronin is a man of class, a man of culture, a man who knows where Valhalla really exists, Naruto Uzumaki was an Assman. And he was loving watching that ass walk away, that is until someone slammed her fist on the table, taking him out from the start of s beautiful dream. He turned around to see an angry Kushina smiling at him*

Kushina: she's not here to be gazed at boy

Naruto:I'm just admiring her toned body, she clearly put a lot of work on it....unlike some people

*Naruto said looking at Kushina up and down and giving a small yawn, the aura behind kushina was the same of a red oni, she was 1 step away from showing this perverted boy why shes called the "Red Hot-Blooded Habanero". But unlike Minato, menma, mito, Jiraiya, Hiruzen, Kakashi, fugaku, etc. Naruto didn't show an ounce of fear. He just looked at her up and down with a shrug, uninterested*

Naruto"red heads....never really been my thing"

Naruto:you know, there other seats available

*Naruto said pointing at the other seats available at the establishment, Naruto and Kushina being the only customers there*

Kushina: oh I'm more then good here, this is my special seat you see

Naruto:have it your way I guess madam

*Naruto said saying in a polite way that Kushina was old, a hag if you will. getting up and sitting far away from the red hair woman, he patiencly waited for his food. Kushina felt like she was gonna have an aneurysm form this child, normally the scare tactic works*

Kushina:your quite the rude individual aren't you?

Naruto:to miss Takeda I'm her favorite, to the children of the orphanage I'm a big brother, to the emperor I have potential, to the people I save I'm a hero, to normal civilians I'm polite, to girls I find attractive I'm forward, to Shinobi scum like you? I owe no respect, I could smell your uncultured swine stench, the second you stepped in here

*Naruto said dropping any niceties he had at the moment. The whole establishment felt tense, Ayame and teuchi were having trouble breathing. When Kushina did the same thing, even Naruto was having trouble breathing, but his stubbornness and pride didn't let him show it apart from a small bit of sweat coming down his face*

Kushina:you want to repeat that boy?

*Kushina asked with a smile, Naruto was in deep trouble, while Naruto was a strong fighter in his own right, if he would be a Shinobi Naruto would rank level jounin, on the low side, but still a jounin. Kushina? She's the captain of the Anbu operation, she's literally the second strongest person behind her husband. Arguably equal in power do her husband, and she doesn't even have sage mode like Minato does. This was basically a 110 kg timber wolf, pissing off a 250 kg polar bear. And sadly for Naruto pride and stupidity aren't mutually exclusive*

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