chapter 46

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Last time

N:it was Kenshin, I swear Miss Takeda!!

Now at sunset

*Naruto closed a book and sighed, he raised a finger and let a butterfly, land on it. Naruto looked at the beautiful purple and black butterfly*

Naruto: I've finish for the day, bring the books back where they belong

Butterfly:yes, number 5

*Naruto got up and stretched while hundreds of butterflies grabbed the books and placed them in there place, Naruto yanwed, and took a deep breath, his breath got trapped on his throat, as he looked around*

Naruto:did I just smell a hint

*Naruto mumbled softly, but then shook his head, he must be imagining things. With a shrug he walked out of the library and walked back to his apartment. It was a quiet walk, till someone ran up to him, Naruto turned his head, and smiled softly at Hinata*

Naruto:ah, Hinata how was your day?

Hinata:o..oh! If was fine, I doubt you want to hear it

*Naruto walked to her and petted her head, making Hinata feel all bubbly inside, that feeling doubled when Naruto smiled at her*

Naruto: nonsense, I wouldn't have asked, if I didn't want to know. Truly, tell me about your day

Hinata:w..well, if you really want to know, it started with Kiba complaining about you, and then....

*And so they continued to walk together, with Naruto smiling, and listening intently, Hinata for her part felt refreshed, and nervous, refreshed since it feels good, for someone to just listen to her, and nervous since someone WAS listening to her.*

Hinata:a..and now, I'll be going on a mission with my team, at the end of the month I'll be back in like 3 weeks, according to kurenai sensei

Naruto:ah, then I wish you luck, on your mission. Be sure to be careful now, you hear ?

*Naruto said with a smile only an older brother could give, petting Hinata's at the top of her head, Hinata blushed embarrassed, but loving every moment of it. Naruto stopped walking, when he got the scent of mint again, this time stronger*

Naruto:hm, apologies Hinata, but I just remembered that I forgot something I had to do today, I'll meet you back at the apartment, then you can tell me about what this mission or yours entail, I would just love to hear it

*Naruto said with a smile, walking away with a wave, Hinata waved back in goodbye and walked back to there apartment,..... For around 20 steps before curiosity got the better of her, and she just had to follow him*

With Naruto

*He made it to the woods and leaned against a tree, he closed his eyes and started whistling, he smiled when he got a someone else whisltling as a response, he whistled one more time back*

(First 16 seconds)

*and heard footsteps landing, he opened his eyes with a small smirk, as he crosses his arms, in front of him was the heart of the Mugen group, the kindest soul of his friends*

*and heard footsteps landing, he opened his eyes with a small smirk, as he crosses his arms, in front of him was the heart of the Mugen group, the kindest soul of his friends*

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