chapter 12

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Next morning

In iron country

Tazuna:say it again please

*We see Naruto on the breakfast table with tazuna and his family. The look of shock still not leaving tsunami and the look of worship not leaving Inari's face*

Naruto:of course tazuna sama. Gato is dead, the bandits most of them or dead and those who aren't either they'll go somewhere else now that they have no one paying them. Or they'll die by my hand. Haku Is dead may he rest in peace, and Zabuza is gone and won't be returning, you're village is safe and the bridge will be finished when we get back

*Naruto said calmly as he finished his 3rd orange, tazuna couldn't help but let out a few laughs of just pure shock that his village was free. Naruto stretched a bit and got up*

Naruto:alright is everyone ready? We need to make a stop before going back to you're home

Tsunami:were are we going, if you don't mind me asking?

Naruto:to see the emperor of iron country

*Naruto said taking a sip of his tea. Tsunami rolled her eyes unamused*

Tsunami;you can just say that I don't need to know, you don't have to be an ass about it

Scene change

*We see Naruto in front of the gates of the emperor's palace with tazuna and his family behind him. Tsunami had her mouth opened in shocked while Inari squirmed as tsunami was combining his hair to look as presentable as possible. Naruto walked up to the guard and gave him a small bow *

Naruto:yes, Naruto Uzumaki. I sent a letter to the emperor and have a meeting with him

Kaede:yes, he's expecting you and you're guest. Do you know your way or do you wish someone to guide you?

Naruto:i know my way, it's not the first time I've been here. I appreciate you're concern though

*Naruto and Kaede bowed to each other. Naruto walked inside with the other 3 following behind them. Tsunami quickly walked next to Naruto grabbing his wrist*

Tsunami;wait wait wait, me and my family can't go with you, to meet your leader looking like this! Just look at us!

Naruto:yes your Right, because I'm wearing a kimono made of the finest silks right?

Naruto:yes your Right, because I'm wearing a kimono made of the finest silks right?

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*Naruto said in a teasing tone while he played with the toothpick on his lips. Naruto waved his hand dismissively to tsunami and kept walking*

Naruto:you worry far too much, the empire is a kind, honorable, noble and humble man. He won't care how we dress, but make sure to treat him with respect I will not have any of you insult the emperor while I live and breath

*Naruto said his tone changing to a cold and serious one that made the 3 of them nods there heads. They made it to the main room of the palace and tsunami couldn't be more nervous if she tried, the second she saw Naruto give a full body bow she did the same and forced Inari on the same position, tazuna bowed to*

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