chapter 33

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Author note:i couldn't find the names on shino's aburame's family so I made them up

Last time

Naruto:...... Your absolutely right, I was thinking you could show me around, but what could be a greater sight then the home of the aburame clan?


*The 4 unlikely companions, made it to the aburame's clan district, they walked inside and instantly Sakura started to tremble seeing all the bugs flying around, Naruto glanced around seeing the place stop looking as a city the More they walked inside the district it started looking more like a wet forest, making it the perfect place for bugs to live*

Naruto:quite the peaceful place you have here, the humming of the insects is almost hypnotic

Shino:thank you

*They both kept walking in silence, Hinata and Sakura glanced at each other then back at the two, they didn't speak much, but they seem to understand each other, even though they've never met before*

Sakura:this is weird right?

Hinata:very, this is the first time I've seen shino so...relax?

*Hinata and Sakura whispered to each other, seeing the two quiet males walk in comfortable silence. They walked for till they made it to the biggest house in the district*

Shino: welcome to the aburame household, please enter, I'll tell my parents that your here, they'll be more then surprised to hear about you. Hinata already knows where the dining room is

Naruto: thank you for the hospitality, I hope I can live up to the expectations

*Shino just gave a nod and walked away, Naruto and Sakura followed Hinata to the dining room, while they were walking Naruto glance at Sakura*

Naruto:so, how was your day? Must've been a mighty curious one, If the first thing you did was come home, and try to "find" what you misplaced?

Sakura:uh, yeah. I asked Kakashi about you, you... Are certainly very powerful N

*Sakura said glancing at Naruto up and down, she let her gaze longer on the sword on Naruto's hip. Naruto just chuckled and shook his head*

Naruto:you flatter me, but no, not really, compared to the fully ranked samurai of my country, I'm actually quite lower level. Now emperor Mifune? Now that's a powerful samurai, the strongest both in power and mind out of all of us

Hinata:you certainly speak of your emperor with great admiration

*Hinata said as she opened the door to the dinning room, Naruto and Sakura walked in, Sakura blushed slightly seeing the hole she created when she saw the cockroach, still there*

Naruto:why shouldn't it? Emperor Mifune is the closest thing to the gods that anyone in iron country will ever reach. How do the two of you see your leader?

Sakura:a moron, that always manages to make his wife angry

Hinata:a....decent father?

*Both answered thinking of all the things that Minato has done while they were present, it's hard to see him as the protector of the village, when they've seen him run away terrified of his wife. Naruto looked at them curious, the very thought, the very idea, the simple notion of Naruto insulting his emperor like that, is enough to make him feel sick. So he sat down and put the thought aside*

Naruto: I'm not well versed, in the political landscape of the leaf, who is your leader?

Sakura:his name is Minato Namikaze, his wife is Kushina namikaze, they have two children too

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