1 × eyes can deceive

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"Who the fuck..?" 

Yang Jungwon stopped the conversation when his eyes met a certain boy. He carried a guitar case on his back while strolling through a school hallway. His black hair had a tint of dark blue dye that had started to fade, his ears were pierced, and he wore a ton of jewelry. In Jungwon's eyes, the mysterious student's walk beamed with arrogance, as his uniform's shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a black tank top underneath.

On top of that, his tie was loosely hanging off his neck and he held the uniform's jacket in his hand instead of wearing it. He walked while listening to music through the wired earphones, on his face a slight smile, but his eyes were almost closed. His jaw tightened, making it look as sharp as a knife.

Suddenly, he looked around at other students. He stole a glance at Jungwon. When their eyes met, he lingered for a while before turning his head straight again.

"This is how you listen to me!" Kim Sunoo yelled at his best friend and shifted his attention to him instead of the new student. "I told you a while ago, that we're getting a newbie this year because of the new scholarship."

"The scholarship boy?" Jungwon chuckled. "With that attitude, he's not gonna last a day in this school."

"You know, my mother said he is some kind of music prodigy," he lowered his voice and leaned closer to Jungwon. "At first, I wasn't sure about it, so I did some research. He has a YouTube channel dedicated to posting covers. Nothing out of ordinary. So I wondered how did he get that scholarship. Turns out, he took part in some competition and won it." 

"So you stalked his socials?" Jake who has only listened to the conversation, now emphasized Sunoo's obsession. "Anyway, I guess I will have another extra on the stage."

"Oh right, the auditions are today," Sunoo remembered. "Let us know, if he's as good as they say, ok?" He asked nicely, but Jake sensed malicious intents of possible gossiping before these innocent eyes. Unfortunately, he gave in, as always.

"I'll record it for you, if you want," Jake suggested. Sunoo smiled and side hugged him excitedly.

"Anyway, I'm so jealous of you. You got to have a summer break. Unlike us, we had to spend it seeing fucking Junghui and that teacher's pet Sunghoon," Sunoo sighed and leaned on the wall.

"I still don't understand your beef with him," Jake continued. "Like, you're the second best dancer in your major after him, why do you care?"

"He's just a stubborn prick. Imagine a nerd, but a fucking dancing nerd, he gets on my nerves so much with his perfectionism."

"He went to the bathroom." Jungwon interrupted the conversation. The two of his friends looked at him confused.

"Who, Sunghoon?" Sunoo asked him, but Jungwon furrowed his brows and shook his head.

"No, what? The new student. Now's the time to give him a lesson." Jungwon's face became solemn, he clenched his fists and looked at Sunoo, then at Jake.

"Fine, go," Sunoo smiled and nodded slowly. He liked that idea. The boy jolted out in bathroom's direction.

"G-guys. Let's just talk to him first. Don't do anything stupid, ok?" Jake panicked, and yelled after his friend.

"Do you seriously think he'll beat him up?" Sunoo asked him angrily.

"Sometimes I think you forget, you two are literally karate kids with some unresolved anger issues."


'Good luck on the first day of school. Proud of you, dad, and mom.'

Jay read the message written on a little note next to the house keys. His lips formed a slight smile. He folded the paper and snucked it into the pockets of his jeans. He was already running late due to oversleeping. He came back from work at midnight, and then the stress of changing schools started eating him alive. On top of that the school was not just an ordinary high school, but the most respected private art academy in the country.

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