11 × that night/part two

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"Is there something wrong between Heeseung and Yunjin? They seemed distant with each other." Jay took a chance that he was alone with Sunghoon and asked him about their friends.

The boy pursed his lips in a single line, he wanted to talk about it, but he was unsure.

"They're just fighting like friends normally do, they'll be back to normal in a few days," Sunghoon answered. Jay only nodded, letting another awkward silence appear in the atmosphere. "If you don't want to sit here, you can go dance, I don't mind."

Jay chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm not a dancer," he said smiling. "I used to learn hip-hop though, but that was years ago."

"Why'd you stop?" Sunghoon asked, he leaned closer over the table, intrigued by the conversation.

"I moved. And we no longer had money for the classes, but I got interested in music instead and started my channel," he explained while sipping on his soda.

"Oh, where did you live? Busan, Daegu?" Sunghoon asked again, but Jay shook his head.

"Seattle, I was born there," he answered.

"Ah, that's why it's Jay. I thought it was your nickname or something," Sunghoon laughed and the boy joined him.

"My Korean name is Jongseong but I use it only for work and overall I prefer Jay."

"Jay!" He heard a dull shout coming from behind him.

Shuhua was running in his direction, she was already panting. When she stopped, she needed a few seconds to take a breath.

"Emergency. One of the hired bartenders didn't show up, and now it's hectic over there, Miyeon barely makes it. We need your help," she explained panicking. "She said she'll pay you for today and you'll have the next weekend off with extra pay."

"Deal," Jay agreed easily. He was ready to say yes to the girl the moment she said they needed help, but he was content with the benefits.

The girl straightened herself and raised her eyebrows.

"Then go change and help Miyeon," she said hurrying him. "I'll be down in a minute, I need to take a breath."

She told him while waving her hand. He apologized to Sunghoon for leaving him and ran downstairs. Shuhua looked if he was gone, and then she sat down next to Sunghoon.

"God, I'm tired," she stated leaning her head back. "Don't mind me," she waved to the boy, who thought she was going to converse with him, but she closed her eyes.

Sunghoon decided to ignore her, guessing she had a weird and bold character. He looked down on the dance floor. He easily spotted Sunoo, now dancing closer to Ni-ki.

"Who are we checking out?" The girl interrupted the silence by leaning over the barriers and searching for a person that Sunghoon was staring at.

"No one!" He quickly denied it, but it sounded fake, so the girl smiled and sat back. He cleared his throat and repeated. "No one. I was just looking."

She clicked her tongue and shook her head, knowing it was a lie.

"Listen, I don't even remember your name. You can tell me," Shuhua punched his arm with her elbow. "If it's a boy, I totally don't care."

Sunghoon's eyes widened, but something in Shuhua's eyes gave him validation that she in fact didn't care about the gender.

"It's not like a crush thing or anything. But let me ask you. Is it weird? I injured my leg, and he took my main part, and instead of feeling jealous or furious, I don't feel anything, and I don't even dislike him as much as I used to." Sunghoon decided to explain the situation to the girl.

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