3 × all that drama

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"He's not bad," Sunoo clicked his tongue. Jake was lying next to him showing his friends the recording of Jay's audition. Sunoo's reason for his disappointment was that he was unable to make any negative remarks about the new student. He had to admit Jay had talent and his voice was charismatic. "Finally some competition for Heeseung, right?"

Jake chuckled and blocked his phone. Then he threw it somewhere on the bed between them three.

"It's high time he's dethroned." He answered shrugging his shoulders with a proud smirk.

"Jay's not that good to be the main, you know that." Jungwon's sharp tongue took away his friend's smirk. "You haven't seen him on stage, how he's singing while acting for two hours. While Heeseung has experience with musicals and working with you. Even though you dislike him, you feel comfortable working with him. Remember it's not another Christmas special. This is your final, and the most important project, Jake."

"Working with him is..." Jake sighed at the sole thought of the boy. "Heeseung's the pain in the ass."

"You never really specified why you dislike him," Sunoo observed. He leaned closer to his friend. Their arms touching. 

"You don't need to know, Sunny" Jake smiled and backed away.

"I hope you choose wisely," Jungwon said finishing the topic of musical audition. The boy nodded, quite defeated.

Jungwon made a great point, that Jake deep down was aware of. Heeseung was his pain in the ass, but he grew to be used to it, and the musicals he was in were always successful. 

"How's practice?" he asked the two dance major students.

Jungwon adjusted his position and lain his head on Sunoo's tighs. Sunoo leaned his back against the bed frame and put his head on the musician's shoulder.

"Same old." Sunoo answered sighing. "Sunghoon's ordering everyone around, and Siyeon still not able to master her part of choreo, which makes my part a bit late. And she seems not to care much about it, no matter how many times I'm telling her she needs to work on the timing."

"Yeah, she's quite a bitch for that," Jungwon admitted. There was a pause of them three breathing only. "Have you heard that some sophomore confessed to her friend today?" Jungwon told them biting the skin around his nails. The boys waited for the rest of the story. "Both girls. Pretty brave to do that at school, don't you think."

"Well good for them, I guess." Jake commented and searched for his phone. 

"Was she rejected or accepted her? Who, do you know who?" Sunoo eagerly asked for more information.

"Rejected, but not really. Something more of: can you give me time to think? But I don't know the names. A girl that told me this, didn't want to out them, so I don't know." Jungwon explained.

"What a bummer," Sunoo uttered while sighing. Jake rolled his eyes at his answer.

"I think it's good, that she didn't tell names. If I was them I wouldn't want to be outed like this. Have some sympathy," Jake furrowed his brows.

"If that girl didn't want to be a center of attention, she shouldn't have confessed in public institution," Sunoo bit his lip angrily. "And anyway, I'm rooting for them no matter who they are. Unless it's Yunah, that girl can go to-"

"You are childhood friends." Jungwon chuckled and stopped biting his nails.

"No? She's my bully."

"No one can bully you," Jake laughed and ruffled his hair. Sunoo smiled at that comment.

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