27 × cliché classics

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"Can't believe you actually wore this!" A muffled scream came from Jungwon, as a big bunny passed the doorstep of the mansion.

The musician looked around himself to notice an angel standing on a chair. He was holding on to the backrest, trying not to fall, while laughing. Jungwon was just decorating the hall with fake spiders, and other scary artificial things, he and his friends had been able to find in the Halloween store department.

Jay rolled his eyes at him and sighed at his friend's simple costume. He was wearing a white outfit, with wings and a halo over his head. Though Ni-ki, who had just entered the hall, had his face painted as a skeleton and wore a simple black outfit.

Jay sighed while taking off a bunny head.

"I knew something wasn't right..." he clicked his tongue, and patted his big bunny tummy with a big bunny paw.

"Cheese!" Ni-ki cheered leaning his back against the wall, and then a camera shutter echoed, accompanied by another set of steps.

"Oh my fucking God," another boy entered the hall laughing. He was wearing a black outfit, with black wings and horns on his head. "He really wore that." Sunoo covered his face and turned to Jungwon. His knees go weaker, while laughs louder.

"What's with all the commotion?" Jake followed right after Sunoo. Then, he suddenly stopped and kept staring at the big bunny in the hallway. He let out a single chuckle, and then his body folded in half trying not to fall from the laughter. "They got you-" He uttered, in between taking a breather.

"And why the hell are you not wearing any costume?" Jay complained seeing Jake in casual baggy jeans, a denim vest, a sweatshirt, and a cap.

"I'm Jake from Subway Surfers." He replied content with the idea. Jay widened his eyes, unable to utter any response without swearing excluded.

Jungwon also chuckled, seeing their friends collectively make fun of Jay's costume. He and Sunoo were the ones who told him, that the Halloween theme was big onesie outfits, and even let him rent the costume from the school's theatre dressing room. What, by the way, was forbidden.

The school president climbed down and walked up to Jay with a light smile. His friends were still holding onto the walls snickering at the view when he grabbed the bunny's paw and led him upstairs.

Jungwon showed him to Sunoo's bedroom and immediately walked up to the wardrobe.

"We didn't think you'd wear it. I mean it was so obvious we were playing with you," Jungwon laughed, picking some clothes from the hangers. "I have some spare costumes if you want to change."

"Great, 'cause it feels like I'm getting roasted in here," Jay sighed while trying to sit on the bed. He was not able to state if he was already sitting, but he felt pressure under him.

Jungwon chuckled again and turned around with clothes in his hands.

"It's a bit cliché, but the vampire look is also a classic. It will suit you," he clicked his tongue and presented a black cloak, material pants, and dark red buttoned shirt to Jay. The musician stood up and turned around to Jungwon. Then, he peeked at the zipper on his back.

"Would you mind?" he asked, so Jungwon rushed to unzip the costume. "Vampire? And you're sure, you don't have a thing for oldies?" Jay laughed while Jungwon's hands stopped on the zipper.

"Keep talking and you'll stay in a bunny fit for the rest of the night." Jungwon crooked a wicked smile, that planted a seed of worry in Jay.

"Sorry, angel." Jay teased, expecting another witty response from the other. However, the silence filled the bedroom, while Jay was imaging Jungwon's reddening cheeks. He tried not to grin. "I guess you chose your outfit accordingly for tonight. Halloween is about being someone you're not, anyway."

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