28 × after party

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"Jungwon, stop your ass!" Sunoo yelled again, but this time he grabbed his friend's shoulder forcefully, making him face him. All this running took them next to the staircase.

"What?!" Jungwon yelled back, however seeing his friend's displeased face, he took a deep breath, and continued with a mellowed tone, "What do you want?"

"What happened? Why are you running?" Sunoo asked, reaching for Jungwon's hand, then opened the doors to the basement. 

He was leading them inside, but the turned-on light confused him. Seconds later, he saw Yunjin leaning against the billiard table, while their friend passed right by them, with a mad look on his face. Jake didn't greet them, just slammed the door leaving. They weren't sure if he even recognized his friends.

"Ok. What happened here?" Sunoo asked the obviously pissed girl, crossing her arms and throwing her head back.

Sunoo and Jungwon walked down the stairs, blocking her way out. 

"You're not leaving until you tell us," Jungwon repeated, glad that all of Sunoo's attention shifted to the girl.


"Where the hell- Oh, there." Jake noticed Heeseung sitting on the couch with his friends. The three of them looked relaxed occupying the only comfortable place in the living room. 

He walked up to the boy, grabbed his hand, and pulled him up, without sparing a second for him to recognize Jake's face in the dim lights.

"Come with me," Jake whispered when his ears were finally in his vicinity.

Heeseung's lips corners went up, while he was gladly being pulled by Jake upstairs. 

"It's just us-" Jay said, turning his face to Sunghoon, when his view blocked a blonde girl sitting right next to him.

"Sorry, there was a line to the bathroom," Wonyoung told him, then looked at Jay. "Oh, hi!" She quickly greeted him, then went back to Sunghoon. Her hands circled the boy's arm once again.

"I can't stay single forever..." Jay sighed into his hand. He held his chin and went back to observing the dancefloor.


"Did Yunjin explain everything to you?" Heeseung asked when they were entering Sunoo's bedroom. Jake nodded slightly, and carefully closed the doors after them. "I'm sorry for all the misunderstandings." 

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, without giving you a chance to explain," Jake said grinning, as he had other thoughts in his mind, that made him happy. 

"What?" Heeseung asked suspiciously, but as well as the boy before him, he was smiling ear to ear. 

"Just..." Jake pursed his lips, making circles on Heeseung's arm, "you wanted to come out to your parents? for me?" He exclaimed shaking his head, still unable to believe that Heeseung was ready to do such a thing for him. 

"Yeah, I figured that I'll be an adult soon, and so they should know this thing about me," Heeseung explained, "and if I am, ever, sometime in the future, not now maybe, introduce you to them or whoever else, it'll feel so good to call you 'my boyfriend'," he imagined it right after saying and gasped. "Which! We are not yet! I was just saying-"

His eyes widened, ears shut out all the outside noise, his nose smelled a peachy perfume, while his lips felt the pressure not letting him speak another word.

Before Jake was able to back away, Heeseung's hands ran to his face and pulled him in closer. Their lips would only take a break from one another, when they smiled through the kiss. Their noses squeezed uncomfortably together, which was unusual, since well, Heeseung knew exactly how to kiss, but somehow he forgot everything the moment Jake took the initiative. 

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