16 × hot and cold

328 22 13

Jay was not able to sleep through another night. His mind was occupied with thoughts of losing his job. He decided to ask Jungwon for help, and then talk to the school counselor and the headmaster. Jay was stubborn. If they disagreed to allow him to work after he explained everything, he would change schools, and keep on working. 

He stepped out of the classroom hesitantly, his feet were dragging him mindlessly since the morning, and his worn-out expression would make his classmates question his mere state. He walked down the stairs, to find himself in his secret spot. 

Jay sat on the bench and was listening to the possible footsteps. He waited impatiently for Jungwon to appear so that he could talk about the scholarship issue. To his dismay, it was quiet throughout the whole lunch break. The boy didn't come, which made Jay suspicious. The break was nearing the end, so he got up while reaching for the phone. He decided to text the school president.

p.jay: why didn't you come?

He waited a whole five minutes for the answer, he was already near the classroom.

y.jungwon: where?

Jay clicked his tongue annoyed and tilted his head.

p.jay: the staircase

y.jungwon: oh
it's not like we made plans to meet
you want the clothes back right
sorry ive been busy since the morning, ill give them to you later

Jay tried not to slam the classroom door while he was closing them. He was sure Jungwon acted a fool and pretended he had forgotten about his little threat. 

p.jay: later means today?

y.jungwon: if you're so impatient. i'll give it to you after classes. on my way to practice i'll drop by the hall, is that fine with you?

p.jay: sure

y.jungwon: good

p.jay: you don't need to be so passive-aggressive with me you know that

y.jungwon: im busy go to class

Jungwon looked at his phone until the message he sent lit up with a little 'seen' notification. Then, he turned it off and went back to observing the screen in front of him.

"Anything?" Jungwon asked the girl who was sitting next to him.

"He says that it will take a little while since the gossip girl has a good blockade or something," Yunah repeated after a man she was on a call with.

"Then it must be someone who knows their way around computers. That can limit our circle of suspects," Jungwon stated thinking deeply. "Or someone rich enough to be able to fund some good hacker."

"And someone bored who has a lot of free time to spare on spying," Yunah added, then sighed. "We should be going back now. Thank you Jiwoong, contact us if you crack anything."

The man on the call agreed and hung up. Both of them collectively sighed and pulled back from the desk. 

"Are you sure we can trust him?" Jungwon asked, and the girl energetically nodded.

"He worked for my father, it's all safe. He is also good with secrets, we shouldn't be worried, that the fact we're working on it will get to anyone."

"If it did, I'm sure, the gossip girl will build up their protection."

"That would be a problem..." Yunah agreed and shook her head frustrated. "I should be spending this lunch break with my girl, not with this shit..." she let out quietly, however since it was only the two of them in the room, Jungwon obviously heard everything. He became curious.

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