17 × blood boiling

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"I am touched by your words Jay," the headmaster nodded her head and pondered for a while in silence. Jay looked at the boy who was sitting beside him. He tried to read the face of the two, but Jungwon's face was stern. His eyes went wider when the woman looked straight at him. It seemed that she had an idea. "I will think about it, talk with the sponsors, and get back to you."

"Oh, thank you so much," Jay answered surprised. He was sure that talking to the headmaster would be more troublesome than this. He felt as if a big stone was lifted from his heart.

Jungwon gulped.

"Does changing this one rule require the sponsors' involvement?" He asked calmly, his legs became stiff.

The woman tilted her head, surprised by the question.

"Well, of course, Jungwon. Sponsors have a full right to know what they support, it's my duty to inform them about every little violation that the scholarship student does. I'm not saying you did anything wrong Jay. I mean, every such change needs to be talked through with the school board and the sponsors of your scholarship."

"From what I hear, it can take a while before I get an ultimate decision?" Jay asked while picking the skin around his nails.

"That may be the case, administrative issues usually take a long time," the woman admitted. "I presume you're pressed for time, aren't you?" she asked and nodded.

Jay took a look at her. The headmaster wore a white brand suit, that probably cost more than all his guitars together. Her hair was straight and long, her make-up flawless. She sat cross-legged legged swaying her shoe and blinding him with a flashy stone of a name he was not even aware of. On her big mahony desk there was a bag of a brand he would never be able to repeat out loud without tangling his tongue.

You're pressed for time, aren't you? played in his head like a mocking laugh.

This kind of person would never understand his position. He already felt defeated.

"Is there any other job, that he can do in the meantime?" Jungwon asked instead of Jay, who was sitting silently.

"Well..." The woman thought for a while. "Actually there is something. Our school introduced a student help students kind of project quite some time ago. However, no one uses it. It consists of giving tutoring, and you choose for what subject."

"That's something," Jungwon admitted and looked at the boy, but Jay shook his head.

"If no one uses it, how can I earn anything?" He asked annoyed. "On top of that, I'm not good at any subject outside of music."

"You play a guitar well, does that count?" Jungwon tried to shut his pessimism down.

"Anything that's a skill helping a student in this institution," the woman agreed. "School pays you for the amount of hours you've booked. There used to be no official test whether you were a good tutor. If the student kept booking you, then it counted. However, some students were abusing this rule. They were being lazy and getting easy pocket money with their friends. That's why for your instance a teacher would come see the progress once in a while."

"So I need to get the students somehow myself, teach them, and then be tested to get the money?" Jay reconsidered everything. It seemed easy except for the first three steps.

"That's right," she nodded and stood up, she went to look for a proper form from one of the shelves. "Just fill this, and start looking for your students."

After finding it, she handed the paper to Jay. He took it, nervously staring at the words instead of reading it. It was the only option for now, and it was better than nothing. However, he didn't know why he felt defeated. Jungwon kicked his feet to wake him up from the trance. Only then did Jay read the form properly and filled the blank space with the ink.

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