7 × mild flavoured flirting

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"No, no, it's not like that," Junhui corrected Sunoo's part once again. The boy looked at her confused, he wiped off his sweat.

The hours of practice seemed to be fruitless. The constant complains about his form and the details worried him, but he never uttered a word. Everyone observed his every move. If he made a mistake, whispers would start going around instantly. Jungwon and Ni-ki tried to always stare at the students, so they would leave Sunoo alone.

Junhui showed him a correct way to pull off the move, but he was unable to repeat it the same way. His legs were sore already, and he felt as if his mind was spinning endlessly. The teacher furrowed her brows, pursed her lips and she threw her hands in the air.

"Class dismissed," she exclaimed, and went to her bag. "Go, now."

The students looked at each other shocked, but they immediately went to take their things and leave the practice room. Sunoo walked up to the teacher.

"I will stay and practice," he informed her, but the woman shook her head.

"No, you won't. Sunghoon didn't take care of his body and looked what happened. Go rest today, and tomorrow try again," she replied trying to calm herself down.

Sunoo didn't agree with her, but he had no say in her decision. The teacher was the one holding the keys, and now she hurried them to leave.

Jungwon waited for Sunoo, leaning on the door frame. He shook his head seeing the boy going back for his things with a head hung low. He joined him soon after and they both went in the dormitory direction. Ni-ki was walking alone with earphones on, but the guys caught up to him and they ended up walking together.

"How are you feeling?" Jungwon asked Sunoo, whose breathing was unsteady. "I know this situation is a tool on you, can I help somehow?"

"Be honest," Sunoo started and looked at the boys. "Do you think I'll be able to pull it off?" Ni-ki almost didn't hear him because of the music playing in his earphones, so he looked confused. He took it out. Jungwon sighed and patted Sunoo's back. "Everyone knows I can't compare to Sunghoon. Me being his replacement means killing my career, since everyone is comparing me to him."

"Yeah, it does." Jungwon agreed with him easily. "Ok, I know you don't like me being too honest, but I have no interest in lying to you either." Sunoo got angry at first, but then nodded. "But you are a great dancer, Sunoo. Forget about the teacher, your mom or the other students. Most importantly forget about Sunghoon. You are not him, never will be. Just do it your way. Focus on yourself, and you'll do great."

Sunoo stopped walking and stared at Jungwon. His friends looked at him confused, but didn't say a word. Sunoo's face became red, the tears appeared in his eyes, then they started flowing down his face. Jungwon tilted his head with a soft smile, then he walked up to his best friend and hugged him. Sunoo hid his face in Jungwon's neck. The tears wet his shirt.

"I love you so fucking much," Sunoo whispered, trying not to choke on his tears.

Riki looked around to notice if there was anyone watching them, but they were completely alone. He decided to let Sunoo cry as much as he wants to, and turned to face the other way.

"I still can't remember some moves," Sunoo said pulling back from Jungwon. "And my spins are terrible. I don't want to compare myself to Sunghoon, but the choreography was made basically for him, and I'm still lacking." The three of them started walking again. They reached the dormitory. "If I don't meet the standard, my dignity is on the line."

"We'll figure something out," Jungwon patted Sunoo's back again.

"Maybe you should ask Sunghoon to help you?"

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