21 × a breakie

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"I haven't drunk in a while, it's nice," Sunghoon admitted, rubbing his hands against one another. It was a chill evening.

"I was surprised when you gave me the beer." Sunoo giggled, and hid his hands in between his thighs, then closed them as tight as possible.

"It was a test," Sunghoon peeked at him, the boy's face froze, "and you failed."


"Kidding." Sunghoon brushed his arm against him. "I realized there was a reason you came here after all. You are apologizing to everyone. You must have been very stressed out, hm?"

"Fuck," Sunoo looked at him, his eyes widened. He felt the incoming tears, he scrunched his nose and opened his mouth, trying to stop them from flowing. His face was already half frozen. He chuckled thinking how Sunghoon made him cry with one sentence. 

Sunoo avoided eye contact, he looked the other way, and the other didn't say anything. They sat in silence, at times it was broken by Sunoo's sniffling. When he calmed down, Sunghoon clapped his hands once and reached for the crutches.

"It's getting cold, let's go." 

Sunoo wiped his eyes and nose before looking at his friend.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked while standing up. His hand was already on Sunghoon's arm, helping him to stand.

"O-oh," Sunghoon stumbled, he closed his eyes. Sunoo grabbed him tighter. "I think I'll throw up," he said and leaned his body on the boy. His head was dangerously getting close to Sunoo's shoulder until he reached it with his forehead.

"Wait! Get away please, just turn the other way!" he begged, but the boy didn't budge. "Gosh, please! I don't want to get your vomit on me, Sunghoon goddammit!"He panicked seeing that the boy was quiet.

Sunoo heard a faint giggle. His heart sank, and the heartbeat quickened. The giggle turned into laughter. Then he saw Sunghoon getting away from him, his face was lit up. He never saw the boy smiling so much, and now he was hysterically laughing.

"Your sense of humor is broken, I'm leaving," Sunoo said coldly and started walking towards the entrance. 

"W-wait!" Sunghoon yelled after him and took big steps to catch up to the boy. 

Sunoo's face was no longer in Sunghoon's eye field. That's why he didn't know that the other was actually smiling while leaving him on the terrace alone. 

Both of them reentered the house. Sunoo held the doors for Sunghoon, even though he was 'annoyed' with him just a second ago. The other wanted to apologize for a little joke, he played on him, but they got interrupted by the noises. They were coming from the living room. A bunch of teenagers were screaming and fighting. They worriedly went inside the living room, just to find their friends glued to the screen, with the Just Dance game on.

Sunoo rolled his eyes and pursed his lips. 

"Oh, you're back? You good?" Heeseung asked standing up from the floor. He was setting up the game, and when it was ready he gave the controller to Yunjin. "They're deciding on the teams. Go to them. Now, quick."

"Yeah, come here," Jake yelled at his friend. "We can't do music vs dance majors, since it's unfair, so Sunoo you're with me."

"No, he's with me. You're taking Sunghoon and Ni-ki," Jungwon fought back.

"I don't think I can dance," Sunghoon reminded them and pointed to his leg. The whole room went quiet. 

"Oh, shit," Heeseung commented, he let out a slight chuckle at the end of the sentence.

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