9 × friends?

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"Song fucking Yuqi?!" Yunjin exclaimed, then she covered her mouth, because some students started staring at her too hard. "Of course I'm going, are you kidding? I have her songs on repeat."

"She's sold," Heeseung laughed seeing his friend grinning. "I guess I'm free too," he replied to Jay, who stood and nodded with a smile.

"You can invite Sunghoon too. I guess he'd want to go somewhere, instead of sitting in his room all the time," Yunjin suggested, so Heeseung looked at Jay.

"The more the merrier," Jay admitted.

"I don't think he's a type to party, but asking him wouldn't hurt, right?" Heeseung laughed.

He noticed Jake packing his things next to them. He was getting ready to leave. Heeseung excused his friends and ran up to him. He smiled widely before speaking.

"Another round of ramen tonight?" He asked quietly, almost whispering to Jake's ear. He got startled and flinched hearing his voice.

"You're sick," Jake clicked his tongue. "And you'd better focus on the play instead of playing around."

"Oh, so you overheard our talk?" Heeseung asked again, he leaned his back on the desk.

"We're going first!" Yunjin exclaimed in Heeseung's direction before pulling Jay out of the classroom. The both of them giggled while taking peeks at the two.

Jake followed them with his eyes, and then looked back at Heeseung.

"It's difficult not to, if you're being so loud," Jake admitted, rising one of his brows.

"Wanna come too?" Heeseung crossed his arms and tilted his head, so his face was even closer to Jake. "It's Jay's workplace, and Song Yuqi will be performing." Heeseung smiled, when he saw Jake's eyes widened at the notice of the singer's name.

The boy cleared his throat and stayed silent for a while.

"I might go, but not with you. Just so you know. I happen to like Yuqi's songs, that's it," Jake started explaining. Heeseung was nodding to his every word with a smile.

"Great, take your friends with you, I'll text you the adress. See you," Heeseung chuckled and backed away.

"I'm not going with you, remember." Jake kept on repeating. However Heeseung only smiled and left the room in a hurry.


When Sunghoon stood in the doorstep with his crutches, some students gasped as if they saw a ghost. The teacher immediately started walking up to him. However, his gaze was shifted to the boy standing in the centre of formation. When he saw Sunghoon, he tried to supress his smile. Then, the injured boy's attention went back on the teacher standing next to him. He spoke before she could even complain.

"I want to help, I believe Sunoo may use some of my directions. After all, this mess began because of me and my irresponsibility," the boy explained. Junhui listened in silence. "I'm going to my rehabilitation, and I rest a lot. But all I can think about is dance, so if you want to send me back to my room now, you'd be only sending me back to my own misery."

"Ok, enough," the woman interrupted him. "If being here will help you mentally, then you're welcome. I may use some help. There's a lot to do, but if you take care of Sunoo's parts that would be some great progress."

The teacher started explaining, while walking with him slowly to the table. She went to look for a chair and put it down for him. He sat and leaned his crutches against the wall.

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