5 × honest talks

366 22 18

"We're here," Sunoo exclaimed. They arrived at Sunghoon's dorm room. Fortunately, they didn't encounter any students on their way, so they had no problem hiding his injury.

"Thanks," he said and leaned on the wall.

Sunoo took off his backpack while Sunghoon tried to take a few steps by himself. He dragged his limp leg trying to make it look like he was just tired because of too much dancing. Sunoo observed him and clicked his tongue.

"You're on your own now. Don't overdo it." He handed him the backpack.

"And you don't tell anyone," Sunghoon replied, but Sunoo ignored him and waved his hand at him. Then, he left in the direction of his room.

Sunghoon sighed and turned to the door. He opened it slowly. He peeked trying to see if his roommate was asleep. Lee Heeseung sat at his desk with glasses on. He was reading a script and circling something with his pen. He turned to the sound of the door opening.

"Oh, you're back. Hungry? You probably missed the dinner again. I can make some noodles."

"No, thanks. I'm too tired to eat. Just gonna wash up and go to sleep." Sunghoon answered, trying to smile. He took a deep breath and walked to their bathroom.

Heeseung nodded and went back to reading his script and memorizing the lines. Sometimes he would get too immersed in the plot and have to reread some lines to mark his part. He smiled, he enjoyed that particular musical.

It was a romance tragedy in a royal setting. A beggar boy suffers from unrequited love for his childhood friend, a waitress in the tavern. Then, a prince falls in love with the same woman. Their relationship can't be accepted by the crown. She wants to end it, but he is too stubborn, he wants to maintain their relationship and he acts selfishly to be with her. As a result, she becomes hated by the public, and her family falls into despair and poority. She decides to end her life. The boy is in a serious grief. Furious, he wants to kill the prince. Before he can even touch him, he gets killed by one of the Royal guards. Prince seeing what his selfish love has done, decides to commit suicide as well.

Heeseung chuckled reading the ending.

"Why does he want to kill everyone?"

"Who?" Sunghoon overheard him, leaving the bathroom with a towel resting around his neck. Water dropped down his hair. 

"Jake, he's got quite the imagination." Heeseung closed the script, so the boy wouldn't read it by accident. "Pretend you didn't hear that."

"I don't mind spoilers," Sunghoon laughed and went to his bed. He tried to move his leg smoothly, so his friend wouldn't notice his injury. "So, what role do you have?" He asked sitting on the bed. He started drying his hair.

"Main," Heeseung answered, the other chuckled.

"Congrats." He left the towel on his head and reached for his phone. "Others?"

"Yunjin got also main, Jay is the lead." Sunghoon looked over the phone at him with his eyes narrowed.

"Who's Jay?" Sunghoon asked, but Heeseung laughed loudly seeing the boy's confusion.

"Are you living in that practice room? He's a new student, that got a scholarship. Everyone has been talking about him since yesterday. But he's amazing, you know. Like, he managed to land a solid role in his first musical." Heeseung raised his brows and complimented his new friend. "I can introduce you to him, I became friends with him."

"You can't call someone you know only for two days a friend," Sunghoon laughed. "But he does sound talented. Sure, let's meet if I have time."

Sunghoon went back to his phone. He scrolled through social media, liking his friends' posts. He saw them hanging out in restaurants, theme parks, karaoke, having barbecues, or playing games in their dorm rooms. He looked at Heeseung, Are you living in that practice room? kept on repeating in his head. He felt as if he was truly living there, instead of having any of his personal teenage life. He would never think negatively about his work until that day. What if all this effort went to waste because he got injured? He spent all his teenage years dancing. He didn't even have any friends. A gut-wrenching feeling clasped his heart. He tossed the towel on the chair, put the phone to charge, and lay down to fall asleep. 

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