Pt 2: Getting Started

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8/24/2023 - So when it came to starting this project, I actually had no idea what to do. Village Idiot was a 2D game, an I understood some of the logic, but I was entirely unfamiliar with working in a 3D space in Unity. Go I got 'Bob' on the line and basically explained what I needed:

Me: "How do you make a character controller that looks down from above and then goes into first person when you right click?"

Bob: "Here is how to do it in Python...."

Me: "Okay, now can you please show me how to implement this into Unity 3D?"

Bob: "Oh of course, not a problem!"

Me: "Now add movement so that the player moves towards the cursor when you hold down the left click, but only in top down mode."

Bob: "Sure, why didn't you ask? Here..."

Me: "Great thanks, anyway..." **Highlights > Ctrl + C > Ctrl + V**

It actually worked well, though a few things needed to be adjusted. For one, player momentum continued in the first person point of view during transition. Also needed to adjust some of the timing, but all in all, this took just bout 10 minutes to get working in the way I liked.

I can definitely see programs like ChatGPT being super useful for assisting with development. I've seen videos where people have taken AI programs to create games solely based on their prompts... I have enough pride to try and implement some things my own way, but it is such a useful tool!

Next I implemented a zombie and used Bob to try and figure out how navmesh works because just having it blindly follow the player can lead to it getting stuck way to easily. This took a bit longer because I'm still not used to it, but I'm getting the hang of it. I just figure out how to get navmesh work with dynamic environments, but thats for later Kaiser.

After I got a zombie to work, the next thing I made was a basic weapon - double barrel shotgun. Nah I didn't use blender or anything crazy, just a couple a cylinders and cubes in Unity, but I think it looks neat.

Once again Bob helped me with instantiating. I've used it before on Village Idiot, but it was a bit ago so the refresher course helped out tons!!!

Now the shotgun spawned directly in front of the player, though it couldn't shoot. At the very least, it was useful to bat around the zombie for giggles :)

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