Pt 26: I am not a Level Designer

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12/15/2023 - As part of my ongoing goal to finish this game within the next half month... I have finally started building the actual release level! The layout of the rooms was provided by my good buddy Jon, though its just rooms on a grid - actually filling them with stuff is a different story.

For now, I'm keeping with a theme for each of the rooms. Central room will have just... a little of everything. There will be a graveyard themed room, cafeteria themed room, maybe a foresty room - really the sky is the limit - I just want it to look good. 

I also have decided on a color palette - that being none at all. Zombies will be green, Bigguns will be red, the world around you will be colorless - mostly for style reasons.

Anyway, this is a slow and meticulous process, and I also have to set up zombie pathing, zombie spawns, connect doors properly to the correct spawners, etc. I also plan to have the upgrader start at a random location in addition to it moving to random locations.

Plus side, even with all this stuff I need to do, wifey and child don't have the day after Christmas off, where as I do - that will be a solid 5-6 hours of work I can get in without distractions!!!

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