Pt 13: Danger Darkworld

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09/17/2023 - So the name is a play on a YuGiOh deck I've never played, but it's apt because of what I've added to the game recently.

First things first, I've made a functional and place holder menu for the start screen. Dying will take you back to it to start a new run too! When you click to start a run, you also get modifiers for your run. Right now there are only two: Introductory Mode and Hardcore Mode

Starting with the first, Introductory Mode is meant not as necessarily a tutorial or easy mode, but more so as a way to learn how the game works with zombies slower so that you can get the hang of movement. In this mode, the game will scale up til the zombies are the same level of threat as they are in base mode (no modifiers) but not get any harder past that.

Base Mode is essentially standard. Zombies will scale up indefinitely but I plan to add a way for players to scale up too.

Hardcore Mode... Well that's the secret... I don't really want to spoil what I've done, though the title is a major hint.

I may add other modifiers later, but these two will be what the demo releases with.

Oh and I added a third gun: the Mac11.

I wanted a rapid fire option that is plausible to reload single handed like... so I chose a gun near and dear to my heart. In Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 for the Wii, it was my main weapon. So as a general inaccurate SMG for just firing into a crowd of zombies, it seemed like a great choice!!!

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