Pt 27: Buttload of Progress

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12/21/2023 - Today I made a lot of progress! I had the level laid out for a while, but I finally built the 5 rooms I wanted to include in my test. Got zombie spawns and everything working too. I don't have new upgrades, but they are on the todo list. I also have started with weapon number 5: The CrossBow.

I have been wanting a very strong, single shot weapon... And with modern crossbow technology, its a lot easier to load single handed I think. At any rate, its also the weapon of choice of my favorite League of Legends character - so I really wanted it in. Due to it's low rate of fire, its going to be a cheaper weapon, but it should one shot things for a good few waves if you get it early, just be careful of spacing!!! This is a weapon that reload speed upgrades will be SUPER key for.

I've basically got everything done now before the release, but I have a lot of stuff planned for my major workday on the game coming up on Tuesday. If possible, I want to have my wifey do the voice of the playable character, but I would need to write up a good number of lines first. 

Thhaaaaaat might come after the release day since I want to hit out by December 31st!

It's kinda crazy that I made a lot of progress and this feels like such a short entry, but most of what I did was place props, space them out, test collisions and set up NavMesh for enemy navigation... When I put it that way, it sounds like a lot, but most of that is super modular built upon everything that I've worked on before this so that after placing the props in a room, setting up everything after takes maybe 30 minutes. 

This is actually why I did a LOT of testing on my first map, to make sure once I cloned the scene over and started building a new environment, I wouldn't have to painstakingly reference everything. Bless everything related to Ctrl + C & Ctrl + V.

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