Pt 15: Hacked Wii CoD:BO1

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9/28/2023 - So I mentioned I would explain the map... So one of my favorite experiences on Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 for the Wii was meeting someone who hacked the game. I'm sure they didn't write the hacks or anything, but they were playing on a modded version of the game. Late in the game's life cycle it was rife with hackers. Most did boring stuff - instant max prestige on everyone in the lobby, or deleveling everyone, or just godmode... You know, predictable and boring.

One day I met a pretty chill hacker - They were in a Team Deathmatch lobby and asked if anyone wanted to have a hacked prestige. I had recently had mine hacked from 8 down to 0, so I asked them to simply put me at prestige 8, level 1. Explained why and they obliged, but then invited me to a private lobby with their friends.

We had four of us in the lobby including the hacker and he put the game on my favorite map and booted it up. Immediately the game was different - the level was darker and had a new ambient fog, areas blocked off... And then 'Round 1' appeared on the screen. The CoD: BO1 Wii hackers had somehow brought Zombies mode into a regular lobby and into a basic level.

This was mind blowing to me. Unfortunately this wasn't super stable and the game crashed fairly quickly (into round 12 I think), but playing Zombies on my favorite BO1 map Firing Range was crazy awesome.

That leads to the map that I made, a (very very VERY basic) Firing Range replica. No, this probably won't be accessible in the final game, but it worked as a way for me to figure out how to best do map making.

I started to set up the map and implemented the spawners and doors and wall guns and triggers to identify the room/area you were in and that all went pretty well. All things considered, the map is perhaps TOO large.   :P

Then the problems started, though that's a story for another day...

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