Pt 25: 'Long' Term Goals

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12/11/2023 - I needed a distraction while at work due to a frustrating day, so I wanted to go over some plans I have for ZOHA going forward. 

Right now we have a test map, two zombie types, four working guns, unique character controller, door system and weapon stat upgrade system.

My goal is to finish the game by the New Year, however what actually constitutes the game being completed?

In an ideal, perfect world... Where I had nothing but time on hand, I would have 3 times as many weapons, each with unique upgrade options besides just stats, custom animations, 5-6 unique enemy times, several maps, secrets and more.

Instead I am going to settle on the following:
1) A new map that is stylized with how I want the game to actually look - contrary to my YouTube dev logs, I don't want my map to look like Rust map from Call of Duty - Ideally I want the enemies to pop a bit more and the graphics to have a nice contrast.
2) A new enemy - The base zombie is basic, the Biggun is now a ranged attacker, what I want next is an enemy that might piss people off more than anything, but would add something at least a little unique.
3) 1-2 more weapons
4) At least 1 Unique upgrade for each gun that super charges or changes how the gun works
5) Light story elements 
6) Save system to save scores
7) Make a proper 'door' that you can pay for instead of just a wall.

In the actual long term, I'd also love to include multiplayer as an option - but that is 100% beyond what I could do in 20 days unless I ignored everything for it... which won't happen because of the upcoming holidays.

Now most major bugs have been squashed, however there is one thing I definitely need to implement - Sync'd Sound. This is specifically referring to the sound settings that you set in the main menu to carry over into the actual gameplay - right now they don't. I'd also like those settings to actively save so that you don't have to re-set them every time you load the game. This goes with the number 6 thing I want to do with saving scores, as it would just be another variable to store.

If I can get those 7 things done before years end, it would probably be close to a miracle, but if not, I at least have it written down to give a clue as to upcoming changes.

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