Pt 21: Patch Notes

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11/12/2023 - I had taken a bit of a break after getting a copy of my alpha build to my friend to test. After binging hard to get the build out, distancing myself for a bit was a big call for my mental. He had given me some quite constructive feedback in hilarious ways and I was able to address most all of his issues!

Volume Slider? Implemented. Granted this was my second attempt at one after an attempt what feels like ages ago.

Game won't start a second round without fully closing and opening? My bad, fixed that bug.

Zombies phase through doors? 'Fixed' - there was a problem with spawners being set incorrectly, that's fixed but couldn't get NA mesh to work properly so now if a zombie touches a door it breaks it intentionally! Poor game design or lazy solutions? You decide!!

Clicking to upgrade feels awkward? What can I say, it's a game intended to only be played with a single mouse and it's 2 basic buttons but I feel ya! So now if you are out of bullets in your clip... and try to shoot again, enjoy auto reloading! In addition I tried auto reload when going to top down perspective but didn't like shooting 1-3 times to go top down to aim behind me quickly to shoot again in FPS only to be stuck reloading... so I did that anyway but only force reload when under 50% ammo! Woooo accommodating to my desires!

Upgraded cards too small and bored in effect? Size increased and I know they are! They are just test cards to make sure things work without breaking games by just increasing numbers, so working as intended!

I also added more spawn spots for zombies in most areas! Also this broke the game and would cause waves to freeze and lock up. Fixed that bug after 20 minutes of digging through the inspector >.>

Also added damage numbers so that you can see as damage goes up! The numbers will float over a zombie's head and disappear into the heavens

But then, as satisfying as seeing numbers was, it also was almost too perfect seeing just 10s or 20s or whatever, so I added damage deviation as you upgrade your damage! Sure your bullets are stronger but it's also more unstable! Lower lows and higher highs in damage!

Okay... so that's what I've been working on the past week lol. Hope this silly patch notes post was a fun sales pitch :)

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