Part 33: Flu

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3/14/2024 - Sorry for the long delay between updates - the short of it is that I got the flu. 

The long of it is that this happened nearly a month ago at the peak of me being inspired to work on the project. It made me feel  like ass and killed any drive I had to work on any projects or games that too more mental energy than braindead (a LOT of Fortnite basically).

As such, the project was on hold in the same state as it had been for a while. I am trying to slowly work my way into getting back into the project, but its been a tad bit rough. Needless to say, I finally have Unity open and am ready to do something with it.

Realistically I don't have a lot I need to actually do. Most of it can be done pretty quickly, things like the following:

1) Redo the videos in the opening
2) Set up ?????? modifier
3) Credits
4) Trailer
5) Move Sound options into the Main Menu Screen
6) Publish on

Soooo yeah, not a long list. 

Granted, this all said, there are additional things I could add to the game that I want to, but also if I decide to work on that, its more or less just feature creep. Some ideas were player upgrades in the upgrader for things like Movespeed, Health drops, and specialty upgrades such as Reload weapon swap. 

I also had a funny idea for what ?????? could be, but actually implementing it would take a lot more time than any of the above because its almost a separate game mode altogether. Maybe in a future update. Additionally, I'd love to implement a local leaderboard, but for the life of me I can't figure out how to set it up myself. 

Anyway, onto dev and hopefully the next update post here will be me celebrating the 1.0 release of ZOHA!

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