Pt 29: Almost There!

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01/17/2024 - New Year, same me. I got busy with new years stuff and other things that basically distracted me from finishing off ZOHA. Actually, what really happened was I thought I implemented code entirely... without testing... and when I did test it... it didn't work properly, so I got annoyed and took a hiatus on the project.

And now? 

Well I want to work on my next project. It's so silly and ADHD of me, but my next project in my head seems so much fun and so stupid that I want to do it... BUUUT I am so close to finishing this one and being like "yup, done, nothing else needed to be complete" that I might as well do it.

Where I am at now at it?

Basically I have my weapon mod system, locked in a room that has an archaic unlock mechanism and a sound effect that is MUCH too loud... And in there is a table to modify your weapon... and that requires 2 tools and 2k points to use. 

Problem is that I can get it to the point of trying to use it, won't work without the 2 tools (intended) - doesn't actually do anything it should with the 2 tools. It basically tries to rebuy the weapon. Unfortunately, this mod system is the last part of my power fantasy for players. I want people to access this and be like "Oh yeah, DIE ZOMBIES DIE!!!!" 

I just gotta somehow get to the point that upgrading actually works.

Once there, just gotta work on the start screen, implement a brief tutorial and make a trailer and I'm "done"!

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