Pt 17: Upgrade Two: Electric BoogalOMG a Zombie!

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09/27/2023 - So with the upgrades, I would need something unique, meaning I'd have to... Make a new model. 

Guns and everything are fairly easy to model since they are generally cylinders and cubes just puzzled together - plus you can use reference models.

For this, I needed something unique. For now I've settled on scientific test tube thing. Basically it is a cylinder with 3 cards inside just floating - minding their own business. Getting it to animate was a thing and a half too >.< It took me maybe an hour and a half just toying around before I figured it out. Thankfully I just need it to do a simple loop. :D

Once I got it made, I started up on the script - needed to figure out how to randomly select the upgrade and essentially I settled on that each weapon will have the same number of upgrade options, starting with three. This makes it easy for me to program to have client randomly generate a number of those twelve total (four weapons x three possible test upgrades) and display a card to pick for the upgrade.

I just didn't know how to actually best set that up and eventually I gave up.

09/28/2023 - This is actually today. I thought about it a bit and figured I wanted just card images to appear instead of fancy graphics. These will show up, you select the one you want and then all disappear. 

Now here is the fun part, this date is going to feel like a TL;DR - I barely worked on this today lol. I got the randomizer to work, it will populate the canvas with the card images... But for the life of me I can't get it to efficiently hide and show the images. What I may enough up doing is setting up Game Objects for them and enable/disabling because trying to adjust alpha levels has been a nightmare.

But once I get that working, all I need to do next is start programming in the upgrades!

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