Pt 6: Deviation

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08/29/2023 - We are finally getting caught up to where I am in development... Shockingly, writing a brief aside about my progress takes less time than dev work! Most recently, I've started adding bullet deviation to the game, so that the shotgun actually shoots like a shotgun.

It actually took a bit of time to get the deviation to work, trying basically the first thing Bob spat at me for it to not work, then after thirty minutes of testing, trying the second thing and it working fairly well. The main issue was that the code kept the deviation going constantly as the bullet was flying, when I really only needed it at the beginning of the shot to have the shot continue forward in a hypothetical cone when multiple bullets are added.

And it actually worked this time after thirty more minutes. Added it to the pistol as 'normal' deviation that can be added to other guns. Eventually I may make a 'held' deviation that ramps up spread as the trigger is held. Accuracy be damned but in a tight crowd of targets it would be super useful!

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