Pt 3: Weapons

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08/25/2023 - I have a confession to make... I'm actually much further than these dev logs represent for this game... But if I include everything, it might be a bit overwhelming >.<

So after I built the gun last time, I had to get it to work. With Bob's help, I got the gun to aim towards the cursor, but it still loaded up directly in front of the player so it looked like a bad Doom 1 copycat and obstructed much of the screen. As I mentioned before, I'm a big fan of the Call of Duty games on the Wii, and I wanted something more similar to that - Guns moving to aim toward the cursor from the side.

This started with needing to make a place to anchor the gun to - eventually deciding upon the side like its a hand. Took a bit of finagling, but eventually got the gun to a place I liked. I then made a pistol and a battle axe! Granted I don't like how the battle axe turned out and I have no idea how I want to make melee weapons work yet.

With aiming working, I set up to have bullets shoot out of the barrel... In all fairness, while bullets shoot out, it doesn't look right yet... because there is no real accuracy - they 'kinda' fire in the direction I want. At any rate, I got bullets launching, as fast as I can click. Super unrealistic for a double barrel shotgun, I know.

The last bit I did on this update was input an arbitrary damage value on the bullet per the equipped gun, and gave the zombie NPC health. When they got touched by bullet, they take damage and disappear when at less than or equals zero.

Technically if I create an end state, I now have a rudimentary game... But Call of Duty Zombies clone it is not.

Zombies and the One Hand Army - Dev LogsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon