Pt 18: Unfettered Progress

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10/09/2023 - So a lot has happened between the 9th and whatever the last date was. I just set the last part to publish on the 11th and I don't even remember what date it had noted. 

Upgrader has been fully implemented and even warps around randomly after so many uses with even animations to support it. This all worked fine until testing with all of the weapons - since they use similar modularly determined variables and prefabs, they should all work properly if one does, right?

WRONG... The freaking Mac11, OMG the Mac11. I went to upgrade while using it and BAM! It disappeared.

Uhhhhh okay, well let me just swap weapons and try aga... Oh, that weapon is glitching in and out, what the heck?! Oh, I should not have equipped the rifle that auto zooms, so now vision is going back and forth and I feel nauseous.

So yeah, that bug plagued the game for about a week. Due to getting sick and life, I wasn't able to do much - then found last Monday that today would be a day off for Indigenous People's Day. Wifey had work and daycare was open so was like... Bet! 8 hours straight to work on the game!

Well ended up streaming it and it was only 6ish hours (blame youtube and food and League of Legends before hand)... And part of it I devoted to a grocery ordering stream...

Needless to say, while I had plans, I overscoped the hell out of the time I had.

Basically, I got the Mac11 bugs fixed. Turns out there were two bugs, just one I didn't know because I never spammed my dev tool money button enough to immediately notice that when you buy a Mac11, it would buy the gun, then also spam buy as much ammo resupply from the wall as possible within the same frame or two and drain all your money doing it because I never made a check for if your ammo was 100% full - still haven't either, so feel free to donate money to the gaming deities for no reason.

Turns out, the issue was because I didn't copy and paste my code over for Rapid Fire weapons, which are supposed to keep operating on holding a button down. Once I copied over the code and wrote up a bool to block repeat use, problem for both bugs was fixed.

After that I set up navigation from the player to the last remaining zombie on non-hardcore modes.

Then I added a chance for Zombie+'s to spawn. A Zombie+ is basically just slightly bigger, better faster, stronger. More likely for it to happen on Hardcore too and less likely on the easier difficulty. 

Then I finally decided to add Sound Effects to all the menu options and stuff.

Unfortunately this meant that I didn't get to work on the player model, environment details or a 2nd map...

But in the meantime, the game is now like... 80% complete on what I want people to test on! Just a bit more and I'll be demo'ing it off.

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