Pt 24: Teeth

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12/06/2023 - I happened to have today off due to a large number of circumstances that lined up today - and I spent part of the day playing Persona 5 Royal, and a bit of Fortnite Chapter 5 but also a larger portion working on the game. There has been a project I've been working on for a while... Making the Biggun a different, much more unique threat - and for that I've devised that he will be a red ranged danger. The problem is... how do I want to implement ranged?

There are a few options I could have implemented, raycasting to identify where the player is, then checking if within a certain distance for range - this may have actually been the smart option. Instead I was like "Nah fam, lets just put a ring in front of the zombie and if the player touches it, trigger the ranged attack!"

This... was way more hassle than it should have been. First the ring (in this case, a sphere collider out of laziness) ended up only detecting the player like... 25% of the time - when I eventually got that... I ended up gradually programming a 3 stage growing AoE attack. 

After much effort, got it to work... Then I wanted to make it LOOK like an attack and oh my goodness was this a whole day affair. I set up the animations, looking like Chogath's Rupture at home... but could not for the life of me get it to center on where the damage area was at - it ended up always being like... 41 units out of map but always in a specific location. 

Tried resetting values and everything, nothing. Tried breaking and recreating the prefab... Nothing.

Turns out I somehow set the location in the animation instead of at 0,0,0 - once I fixed that, it centered properly!

Scaling it took all of 10 minutes, and once I got one to scale and knew how to implement the code, the other 2 circles I needed to implement worked flawlessly (granted there was an issue of the scale being stupidly TOO big at one point and blasting the player character halfway across the map).

This attack is FINALLY done... Now I just need to re-implement the close range attack through my spaghetti code.

Zombies and the One Hand Army - Dev LogsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora