Pt 20: Some Updates!

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11/05/2023 - So I just realized I never published a dev diary update for the last real update. Basically I did all the things I wanted to do in Part 19 and made a version of the game for friendo to test - and light testing they did. 

I now have a whole ass list of things to work on, some good, some bad. 

First things first, a problem I had a while back was Volume Control. I honestly don't remember if I mentioned it anywhere, but I tried to implement it via code and it didn't work. Reached out to ChatGP- I MEAN BOB again and it gave me a simple script. Tried it and it didn't work... but then I had a brain blast.

Instead of implementing sweeping volume changes in that script, instead I just got the value of the slider and set that to the volume in other scripts via references... Which surprisingly worked on the 3rd try when I realized I forgot to comment stuff out. This works for everything BUT the zombies, however they have code to taper out their sound the further away from them you are... so this might actually not be necessary.

The main reason they are so difficult is because they are a prefab and in sheer laziness, I just referenced the volume control in the inspector in unity and did not code it in. When I tried to code in searching for and referencing the volume controls on the zombies.... weellll they got stuck halfway in the floor for some reason. Just going to let them be for not :)

Other things I need to work on - figuring out a way to dynamically adjust NavMesh - aka prevent zombies from freely traveling through doors, Implement alternative reload methods, fix a game breaking bug that prevents the game from starting back up after going back to the main menu from the game screen, and some updates to the upgrader/cards.

Outside of friendo's suggestions, I have a few more ideas of things I want to implement too - just might take a while :)

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