Chapter 44

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Neither Meera, Nor Agastya talked after that day. And its already been 4 days. In coming 4 days, it has his birthday and Meera had to leave the same day.

She was stucked in a dilemma. Her heart was craving for him, but mind was focused about her work. She knew is she let this moment get slipped out of her hand this time, is she would, then it'll be too late to make any amends.

While Agastya was again caught up with his hospital works and events. Both didn't know how to go further with this. Is this marking the end of their relationship?

She was getting and more restless day by day. Her flight was on the next day, same day aa Agastya s birthday was on. While she decide to give him a surprise at the midnight.
This time she would again try. And ask him directly the things she wanted to ask.

 And ask him directly the things she wanted to ask

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Days passed by, and finally the day came. Tommorow was his birthday and her flight. While she had made the arrangements and all, along with Smriti and Kavya, of today's surprise. And today only Agastya decided, to talk to Meera because her indirect confession created a havoc inside him, but as he called kavya to know her wherebouts he got to know about her flight, and that too on tomorrow. He felt himself again back at square one, and all this evoked those familiar bitter feelings again. He thought, why would she confessed along with apologies if she knew she would be leaving. Hadn't he already told her about her this act of leaving 8 months ago?

But he cant be that agastya again, who acted impulsively that time. The only woman in his entire life, he fell for was Meera. And now he need to behave wisely. He needed to hear what she says. He loved her with all his might and he will continue loving her till he die. 

It was almost 10 in the night when Agastya entered his home, and headed towards his room. While Meera and Kavya decided to, reach Malhotra Mansion,  around 10:30. While Smriti had already prepared the arrangements. While Meera decided to make the cake for his birthday.

And as said, both Meera and Kavya reached the Malhotra Mansion exactly at the same time, along with Dev. Abeer couldn't came because Tapasya was not well. But they made sure that they would come the next day.

Kavya and Meera silently, entered the menasuon, and found the lights were off. Agastya was in his room. Smriti guided them, to the guest room where everyone was there.
Soon the time, got passed and it was 11:45 already.

Agastya was in his room, sitting on his chair resting his head against the headrest. From past months, everything was seeming a mess. Love is a complicated thing indeed. He wished he won't have fallen. He was good in his previous form only. He does love her. Still. She was very precious to him. Very. He knew from the bottom of his heart, that all she did was unknowingly. Not internationally. And he was not someone, to hold on to grudges. But he need know what decision she will be taken. To know that does she has the courage to stand on her feelings? He used to reminisce all their times together they used to spend. He was sure from his side, that he loves her. But the blurry and hazzy indications Meera was giving, was not doing any good to his peace of mind.

Soon, his reverie got broken up when he heard a knock on the door. And Vivian entered inside the room.

"Why becoming Devdas?" He asked and Agastya chuckled, pulling one more chair and indicated him to sit.

"Seeming tired. What happened?" He asked.

"Nothing much. Just facing the consequences of not following my principals." Agastya said and released a sigh.


"Nothing. Why you're are here? Didn't sleep?" Agastya asked and Vivian nodded in a no.

And like this, minutes passed. Vivian checked his watch and it was 11:56. He got up from his seat.

"Come." He said and Agastya looked at him confused.

"I've to show you something." Saying this Vivian dragged him to the hall. The lights were dim, and there's no one.

"What's happening with you Vivian?" Agastya asked, and looked around but there's no one. And suddenly, Sindra came there, running towards Agastya and he caught him and begun caressing Sindra"s hair.

"Look, Sindi also didn't get to sleep." Agastya said, and suddenly the a loud voice echoed, probably of party popper. And so many voices echoed in the hall.

"Happy Birthday!!" Everybody shouted causing him to flinch a little and he looked around himself only to find everyone along with, Kavya, Dev and...Meera!

He looked at her, for few seconds before moving his eyes towards his family members.

"Happy Birthday Agastya." Adhiraj exclaimed, while pulled him in a hug.

"Thankyou Dad." He whispered.

Then one by one, everyone wished him along with Gayathri, Dev and Kavya.

"You here?" Agastya aksed kavya to which she smiled and hugged him wishing him once again.
Vivian and Smriti too, engulfed him in a brotherly hug.

"Talk to her before everything messed up. " Smriti whispered, while hugging him and he looked at her. No matter what happens, she always knew when Agastya was in trouble or not. And from last few months she could observe the tension going on between Meera and him. He looked at her and she blinked her eye.

Meanwhile  until now only Meera hadn't wished him.

"Why sudden plan?" Agastya asked to her parents.

"It was Meera's. She has given this idea."Kavya said, and Meera smiled a little, and Gayathri, caressed her hairs.

"It's just an idea. Bhabhi, had done a great work." Meera said, simply avoiding so much attention.

"It's nothing." Smriti smiled.

"Thank you.  It's lovely. "Agastya said and smiled a little, while her desparation grew more.

Soon after few time, and attending the call of his friends Agastya moved towards his room, while everyone did the same. As it was already late, Gayathri and Adhiraj persuaded Meera to stay back. And she nodded. Afterall, she couldn't deny them and moreover she wanted to talk to agastya too.

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