-Last Night-

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(Drawing Bera's outfits makes me feel like a designer in the show I watched on Netflix, 'Next in Fashion,' just running around to try to throw together an outfit on time because these sure are clothes only a fashion designer could come up with Jesus... And not a word about the shoes when you see them.)

She thought she wouldn't get as nervous.

But seeing everyone so nervous as the days got closer made her a bit, too.

Bera would need to kill and get used to it fast.

This will not be easy, but no one said it ever was to begin with.

"I wish none of you was in this situation." Cecelia's voice came from across the table. They were all sitting around.

It was supposed to be a last dinner together before the end, how nice.

23 out of 24 would be gone forever, one branded a victor, and the others forever as dead.

Even if 8 wins, it is James or her... And all knew this.

That's probably why no one but V had eaten anything, but even she had the sense of stopping once she saw the atmosphere in the room.

"There was nothing we could do to change it; so many tesserae in my name alone." Bera shrugged. "I don't know, James, but it was a surprise I wasn't reaped earlier."

"At least someone has a good mood," Woof said. Although he rarely talked, his words were mostly snide remarks even to the tributes.

"I have grown used to the idea of dying old fart. My whole life was fighting to survive because of the one person who should have loved me. So yeah, I am already familiar with the idea that I'd die." She hissed back, much preferring when he just shuts up, truth be said.

"Well, this is awkward," V stated the obvious, making all look at her.

"I need to admit I was wondering where you came from, but I hadn't realized it before." Cecelia gently said. "Your last name was familiar, but I couldn't remember where I heard it from. You're the child of a previous tribute, yes?"

"Wow good job for discovering that, it is not like I was hiding it."

"That's why you got for sure a high grade. Only one man had had his daughter reaped as a tribute for 8 while he came from 2."

"Damn, then I am lucky we are allies." James tried to say with a light mood in his voice.

"If you say so, I still cannot beat him, so against 1 or 2, I probably would struggle alone." She shrugged.

"But this way, you both have a chance of coming home."

She said nothing, sighing even, standing and walking away and to her room.

Bera lay on the sheetless blanket on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

Tomorrow, it will be time.

The game of chess will begin, and she'll show them she should live.

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