-The Games Are On-

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(This song oddly fits, but I can't tell if it is Snow or Bera talking to the other.)

Oh, how she could imagine the headache she'd bring. Snow is a manipulator, and Bera works underhanded; he is a monster, and she is a liar; he is all-powerful, and she is a trickster.

The cards have been dealt; both play this differently, and the thing about Snow is that he has no idea the length she is ready to go to. A not broken victor is dangerous.

(I am warning you all... Unless someone explicitly requests me to write out smut, I will skip it and work around it. I'll write it similar to Athena's, letting the reader know something goes on and then skip after it. Athena was meant to actually fuck around too, because some trauma makes assault victims super sexual, but I guess Bera will be the one filling that role with her bastard behavior. XD)

"I still don't understand why it is such a bad thing." She shrugged.

Finnick had come up to her to 'reassure' her and comfort her about her fate, and he seemed so put off by her telling him she was the one to decide how to sell her body that he was trying to convince her until she said that sentence.

He just stared at her... He is barely older than her and a victor, hasn't he watched her games? She is not a sobbing mess; when she is, she can still pull together.

"Now, if you may, I have people to talk to, so I'll leave." She wasn't a fan of him.

Not as a person, but his personality rubbed her the wrong way. All victors did really self-wallow instead of living life to honor the others. Drowning in nightmares instead of using those as the strength to move forward... If you really hate this life, just commit suicide. Only 1 and 2 have enough victors to need more than one hand to count them all.

Suicide would be a way out, escaping her bastard of a brain, but that would just be stupid, and hell, there is nothing to hate in this life... At least nothing she chooses to remember.

"Has 2 always been like that? Cocky but folding the moment they get hurt?"

If Bera had grown a second head, someone needed to tell her because Brutus was just going to glare a hole through the young girl who smiled up at him. Did she want to get to her grave already?

"It was a full trident swing to the face." Enobaria's hand on his chest pushed him back, and her voice killed his replies.

"No biggie." Bera shrugged, knowing mutters had been born even when she just approached the upper districts and now would be bouncing around the room as she opened the discussion through an insult. "That was a full sword swing through the face." She looked towards the side. Her face had been cut with her remaining eye on him as if to bring attention to it's missing pair.

"She kind of is correct." A blond brute said, mockingly teasing his upper district 'colleague,' actually having enjoyed the show, unlike Brutus, who threw a TV through a window the moment Bera even dared to hurt his tribute.

"Eh? The Gloss agrees with me... How nice." She rolled her eyes. "And please, the brain is hard to control, but he messed up, letting me gather it behind one goal. You all have such a big mouth."

Come on, Brutus, Bera is waiting for something.

And the vein popping on his forehead was a nice thing to see. Gloss would have stopped teasing his somewhat friend if he had not been stupid enough to realize what was going on.

"Like seriously." She was talking in a way they could hear her but probably not the others, keeping a somewhat friendly smile on her face. "He should have used my loss of composure correctly instead of playing who has the bigger dick because it seemed I did in the end."


Screams came from the assembly, but Bera only felt her brain rattle in her skull.

She sat up, pushing herself on her knees, hands on the ground, and head hung. Her remaining vision was doubled and blurry as blood fell on the white marble.

She let the tears flow from her eye as they instinctively came from the impact. An around the nose or nose itself punch always makes people tear up.

And she had watched enough games, she thought enough, she planned enough, to know despite how they spoke and laughed, Gloss was a big idiot, and even if he didn't notice, he had sorts of mannerisms Bera had worked out way before arriving here today.

For one, despite being of 1, he was always highly respectful of each new victor at the start, and even if it were a lower district. He'd be polite, even talk with them a bit. The more gory their game was, the more he'd invest in them. Second would be his sister; he'd kill whoever for his sister. They tried to cover it up, but Cashmere is not a sweetheart because Gloss killed the man that touched her on her victory tour. And three, he always showed more respect for women in his interviews.

Bera has played it small, not trying to make herself seem older, just the annoying brat, and so when Brutus not only shoved Enobaria aside in rage but also hit a victor who was just 'joking' around and was known to still be seriously injured. The big man of 1 slammed his glass across 2's face. The glass exploded and cut him up, redirecting his anger as yelling ensued.

Bera lifted a hand to her face, her head killing her, but that was not why. It was to hide the genuine smile on her face to keep up the act.

He was an extremely dangerous mentor. She can't let him stay 2's mentor any longer. Ever since Brutus took over, 2 won almost all the games since then, Gloss, Cashmere, and Finnick being the exception she could think of. This outburst would make Snow unhappy, and he will want him out of the spotlight, away from mentoring.

Bare ignored whoever helped her up.

The games are still on despite winning the event; victors still play, and she will play. She'll play it so well she'll outplay Snow, and that she is sure of.

The games are on.

(Should Bera be caught by the Capitol in the 75th? It could be interesting, but I have two stories with caught protagonists... But it would also be good as in this fic, Johanna is more like a 'since when did I adopt a kid?' character to Bera after they meet Enobaria, obviously, but I also want her to be there to see the bombing of 8's hospital... So complex.)

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