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Blinking awake.

Oh how things hurt.

"STOP!!" The scream that pierced that air came the moment she tried to get up.

She blinked slowly, if Bera could have noped out she would have.

Looking around as surprisingly it was Cecelia to scream her head off.

"I don't want to be a robot." She muttered, tubes literally sticking out of her body, tapping the one in the crook of her neck. Reaching up for the uncomfortable mask over her face.

"Oh my life stop doing that and put your hands down!" It was a bit harshly done for her but it didn't hurt. "Stop trying to kill yourself!"

"You are one solid woman."


"That's not even a name anymore!" Johanna threw her arms out. "And damn you are heavy even sliced up."

Bera gave her the middle finger before chuckling that ended up in coughing.

"Stop it!" An over charged, that's all she could say, Cecelia was running around to try to stop Bera from liven't by simply existing.

"I'm calm I'm calm, I don't think I'd be able to move anyway." She closed her eye with a sigh.

"Just listen to her, we are almost there."

"What? Why? Dropping us off in 8 is a death wish."

But that look between them even through blurred vision made Bera shove up on her elbows despite both woman yelling at her to stop.

"Were are we going if not 8?"

"Lay the fuck back down!" 



Bera dropped to her back right away.

Johanna sighing with stress.

"When Katniss blew up the arena all went black." She said, having been given the run down and not believing that Cecelia had the heart to tell her. "And riots exploded all over the districts."

"Shit..." She groaned.

"Yeah... District 12 was bombed, the whole district is gone, if what we heard only less than 1% of survived, around one thousand."


"Yeah, it is like you think, Katniss is not the one Snow hate's the most."

Screaming in anger, trying to throw herself out of the bed, taking Johanna's full strength to hold her down from hurting herself, Cecelia just holding her legs down.

Maybe someone entered or someone else was already in here but she felt a jab to her side, soon her body falling back asleep.

"You could have told her there are still survivor before you confirmed that 8 is bombed to shit." Cecelia snapped a little, Johanna sighing, realizing she messed up her sentence order.

(8 actually gets bombed a shit tone when you think about it, that first bombing at the fake proposal, those that happen before Katniss goes to visit and then the one when she is there.)

"Oh shut up." Johanna breathed out, still covered in dirt, still covered in Bera's blood, still in her arena wear, sitting back in the chair with a heavy sigh.


It was a surprise that Bera could walk and move around so soon after such injuries, they hadn't even healed.

She wore 13's clothes so some black boots, dark grey pants and a black T-shirt with her grippy gloves and her eye patch, and still she was more colorful then the people her.

People in 13 were cold but Bera was colder.

The hate she felt on behalf of her district was heavy.

And scary.

13 might not be in the games since they were bombed first, but they did watch the games to learn and study the Capitol, and Bera was regarded with fearful respect, how she dispatched those careers, the pure fury in her veins, just how she refused to die, was worth of it.

Bera just wanted to go home, she wanted to see 8, the only people here from that district being V and Cecelia and she was abandoning them.

She felt responsible to protect them all, they are her district, her home, her people, and she is here, following some grumpy guards down some dark halls. Not creepy at all.

The door was opened and she was ushered in.

In sat Plutarch who she now believed was on their side, she'll still need to have a long talk with him and those damned murder glitter bombs, next to him sat a straight blond haired woman looking like she had sucked a lemon instead of a pacifier as a child.

"Welcome victor, it is good to meet you face to face. I am Coin, the head of district 13." She politely said before Bera flipped out and almost threw herself over the desk, being held back by screaming guards.

"Phone woman!!" She yelled at her, wanting to strangle her. "I'll teach you to call me with your fucking requests!!"

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