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(This song linked up top; I first had it in my playlist of songs for Athena from my 'Stone and Lumber' fic, but listening to it again and concentrating on the lyrics of it, it is like the Capitol talking to who they think Bera is while it is just a masquerade of her true intentions. I think it fits Athena and Bera in two distinct ways and yet is so similar for both.)

"You made quite the show out there Jasmine."

"Are you an idiot for not remembering my name?"

Bera grinned, chasing the red wine she wasn't drinking around her flimsy thin glass, her outfit for once a repeat tho in a golden base with black highlights of the dress she wore for the party after the 69th, having chosen this on purpose.

"I do remember it, it is you that keep insisting I keep messing up." She said. This time she didn't retouch much to the outfit but the victor of the 71st had kicked down her dressing room's door, literally breaking the old thing off its hinges, demanding her to fix this mess like last time.

She is lucky that Bera has an irk with Capitol fashion or she'd have left her to deal with the dress that made her look like a bouquet of weeds.

Johanna's face didn't quite fit the elegant green, ball dance type, dress with the flowers sewn to cover her left sleeve instead of the monstrosity that it was before. Honestly, Bera should stitch a smile on her face before those lines become permanent.

Sure she is part of the reason but she is amusing to annoy but also annoying familiar. It reminds her of one lower district girl that is brash and angry, but unlike that girl Johanna here is not playing the games set out by the Capitol, already told a man to fuck off while the girl she knew started with getting Brutus banned from mentoring.

Johanna is frustratingly a mirror for herself tho it is a crocked mirror, showing her the path if she was not ready to play the game and twist it to her likes.

Why does she always end up protecting tributes from other districts?

"Tho I'd advise you to drop the face, it is not desirable."

"Oh fuck off back to 8, I am not willing to get touched."

"Then you need to live with the consequences." Why is she even here? It should be Blight telling his tribute about the world to come... Oh yeah, the man would piss himself at her sight and was now drinking all the punch he could to gather courage but he was looking drunk and still a coward. "I can make the Capitol dance to my whims but not because I am a victor, it is because I am a willing pawn of the system. I do as asked of me but my own way, I follow the rules. I advise you to follow them."

"I already told him no." She said, almost dismissing it until she jumped at the sound.

Johanna looked up at the older annoying victor who was now looking at her with wider eyes and the glass gone from her hand, only shards of it remaining in her palm with wine dripping off it, shattered by her squeezing on it.

Bera took a deep breath and shook the remains of her glass off her hand before rubbing her forehead with the back of that hand.

"I do hope you can live with the consequences. I cannot be of help here." She stepped slightly to the side while an Avox came to clean the mess up while another handed her something to dry her hands off.

She didn't know this girl, she knew only that she was brash and angry... She just hopes for enough resilience for what Snow will do to her to try to corral her... And yet if she was like Bera, Bera herself knew this would only intensify that fire.

"I can deal with some added work, we are not weak in 7."

Bera shook her head, it would be much worse then this.

With a quick ask, a pen was provided.

"Hey!" The newest victor protested but Bera  didn't let her yank her hand back, maybe pressing a bit hard with the pen but it was having trouble writing.

When she was freed, Johanna looked at the string of numbers and then at Bera.

"You'll soon realize how good of an ally I can be so try to not annoy me too much." She said, handing the pen away. "That's a phone number, I'll answer."

"Why'd I need you? This is all over now."

"Oh now Johnny, this is just starting and trust me, I can be of use. I am not Panem's most desired for nothing, words have power and I am the voice of many."

Bera stood to the side, in the shadowed part of an arch in the room.

Her hand stung, the dark gloves covered it up but if she made a fist and squeezed, blood would trickle out of the fabric. Not much but still.

Refusing the deal...

Hearing that momentarily got the better of her.

But she couldn't do like last time, Snow's security was beefed up for certain and she'd just make things worse.

It is bad enough like it is.

She just hopes for a good outcome.

"Why are you here alone?"

"And here I thought you'd want to ignore me after people think we slept together."

"I will kill Augustus for having said that, there was even a freaking wall between us." Bera chuckled at Enobaria's anger, she looked splendid in her simple black dress but she kept it to herself.

"Still, I am almost offended only Woof, Cashmere and Haymitch believed in my work to get you on a date."

"Cashmere is your insufferable bestie, Woof is from your district and Haymitch is your pal, of course they'd bet on us."

"Sure but like come on, Gloss? Finnick? You can't say you don't think they'd bet on us too." She sighed, not really in the mood to go on about this tho.

"Yeah I suppose... So what about her?" Enobaria asked, Bera being a manipulative bastard required her to be able to get in people's mind, understand them and play the game right, better then the opposing side.

"Johanna refused the deal."

Enobaria hissed a bit, she didn't really have to refuse as not many wanted to touch her after her games and making her teeth into what they are today killed the interest of the others along with the played up abrasiveness of her personality to a nice 110% did the trick.

"Yeah." Bera said.

Suspecting Snow would have another run away victor to deal with if he doesn't realize how similar this girl is to someone else that is already being a bother to him.

People would sure remember her and not for the good reasons.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara