Blister And Boil

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(There is this one song I've been waiting for a while to link, and if I did link it before, that means I fucked up in my plans, you'll get to hear it probably at the ending or with the hothouse of Roses.)

(And I just realized that some might not be aware just how insane Bera is, if Brutus had followed the plan in the 75th and taken her hostage, Bera would have been down to stab herself through with the spear if that meant stabbing her captor. Literally barely any self preservation skill this woman.)

Advancing was slow. So slow.

Every ten meters of not less there was a pod.

If Bera understood it correctly these pods were a whole mess of traps created for the games now hidden all around the Capitol like mines to just blast them up and stop their advances inside the city.

At least they had this thing called the holo, it was showing them where a pod was and Boggs or another solider would set it off safely... Neat. Gory bloody mess but neat... She'd need this in her future garden to keep the pesky kids off it... What is she even thinking damn?!

They were advancing as snails pace but at least there is an office building to spend the night in... Yay... Bera is overjoyed...

What brought her mood up even more was one minute Potato and Boggs go outside to talk and the next moment new soldiers enter with both following them and a manic Bread following.

She didn't really talk to the guy nor did she keep up with his situation but for fuck's sake, he is scared of his own shadow and needs to convince himself he is called Peeta and that he doesn't want to kill Potato... Who the fuck sent him here?!

Well Coin duh. Bera gave her too much credit, the bars of expectations is literally on the ground and this woman said bet and dug under it. Who sends a mentally unstable kid to a killing gauntlet? No... Don't answer that, Bera would get self-reflective and we'd lose her.

But truly, Bread boy here was the worst choice she could have made, did she want Potato to die?!... Oh... OOOOOOH!!

Oh fuck, Potato didn't convince Coin to come here, she snuck around her back and got here as a clandestine fighter... And Coin is now punishing her... Once again reminding Bera of Snow just a bit more with each of her actions. And once again she needs to tip her hat to Snow, at least he is methodical, Coin feels like she is calm until someone goes against her and then her goal is just to hurt them.


They had decided to look after Bread in shifts after Potato had nicely said that if he went feral she'd shoot him like the mutt he is... Nice going Potato.

But she could understand since there is strands of similarity here, she'd have promised to gut Valerius but also wished he didn't make her do so, just like 12 was currently wishing.

Bera didn't do much really, playing the stupid game of pressing her thumb on the point of her spear until it hurt before taking it away and doing it again, while she was doing her shift... She never volunteered for one so no idea why she is here tho.

"You really angered Snow." Bready boy whispered after like hours of silence, making Bera stop.

"I know, and he did me." Was all she said, nothing more said.


(Have you realized I wanna get to the tunnels fast?)

Because Boggs' legs were blasted to the moon early next morning before anyone could do anything about it, they up and left.

Not only that, the magnificent half of the twin pair stepped on a nice stone button and Bera was staring down a water fall of black shiny liquid of death... As she said before... Joy...

"Run! Run! Run!" Garlic screamed as a nice blob of this liquid splashed up on her leg...

Bera's reaction was, in simple terms, this.

Bera's reaction was, in simple terms, this

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Yeah... Before she took off in a headless sprint towards the home Garlic broke into.

It burnt so much it felt like fire on her leg but rubbing it only for it more in the fabrics so she gritted her teeth and let the black patch nicely burn.

Grabbing Cressida along the way as the woman tripped, shoving her through the window before jumping after her.

Running up the stairs with Bread being the last, dragged by Finnick, what happened for him to be in a choke hold and wh--WOOOOHAA why is Anderson pointing a gun at Potato and why are people yelling? Can't people calm down?!

"Give me the holo Evergdeen!"

"Boggs gave it to me, I need to fulfill my mission!"

"She is telling the truth."

"Yes we are to film her kill Snow."

"Everyone shut up!" Bera yelled over all, deathly silence follow. "Anderson wants the holo but Potato needs it to kill Snow and Cressida wanna film it, you can say that without yelling." She thought, good job Potato. "And true, I am here as her guard after all, we need to get to Snow and I'll stab you if that will make it easier." She loved Potato lying here, it could be beneficial for her too so why not play along? "Think well Anderson."


"Fine... Fine, the holo is yours Everdeen... But lets move because peacekeepers must be on the way now."

Bera looked towards the retreating oily liquid that was so hot it was still steaming up the air... Joy.

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