-''I brought you back alive.''-

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This year, it was an extremely fast game.

The arena seemed much smaller than usual, with tributes running into each other quickly and violently.

Probably because last year's game was a disappointment to the Capitol, wanting a quick but brutal one.

And 4 stood his ground.

Bera had no hope that he would win, not after such a wound to his arm.

1's had used a sickle to amputate his hand mid forearm, her own tribute never having dared to lift her weapon since she got it, at least she had moved to try to make a tourniquet around his forearm but it seemed she lacked strength to completely stop the blood flow. 

And so she watched on with baited breath, awaiting the moment 4 would drop, leaving her alone and defenseless. 

The boy was a tough case, pushing on despite the hours passing showing him weakening, even outrunning mutts while protecting her from a would be lethal bite he took on with a swing of his trident like a bat.

That too, he could no longer correctly hold his weapon, just swinging it blindly.

But the mutts had drove them back to the cornucopia, the half human looking atrocities stopping at the forest line, not stepping out into the small clearing... That meant...

It was with this last action that Bera finally believe 4 meant well. The boy diving onto her tribute, shoving her out of the way of an arrow.

She could see just how scared the girl was, looking at the unmoving boy with an arrow between his ribs, tho the canon had not yet sounded off, she believed it would soon.

How her hands trembled and had a choice between the infested forest and the cornucopia with 2's last tribute perched on top of it, arming another arrow already.

Bera's grip on herself was tight. She hates how 8 is always faced with 2 for the victory.

"Come on, it is now or never." She whispered to herself, watching this 'final' from the district quarters, sitting on the couch that was there, V had her leg bouncing nervously, almost looking away from the screen, Woof walking holes in the ground while watching the screen as intently as Bera was. "Be brave, take the risk, go for it."

The spear shook in her hands and tears stained the tribute's face before avoiding the arrow by pure luck, jerking down in a crouch when the career shot at her and it went over her head.

Be it sudden and a new feeling of survival she didn't feel before or a desperate last attempt, her tribute did what Bera wanted her too, scrambling up to stand and running closer.

Bera was strong, she might not look it still, people wouldn't know if it was not for her victory, she could have thrown that spear from where the tribute stood but the tribute couldn't have.

And she saw her throw it just as an arrow hit her through the neck.

Bera stood with haste, the career not expecting the throw, has offered up his body as a perfect target for the inexperienced thrower.

The canon never sounded sweeter.

But as the tribute collapsed on the ground, choking on her own blood and grabbing at her throat desperately... No announcement of a victor was heard.

"Shit." 4 was still alive.

V had her hand covering her mouth as the young girl one TV stupidly break the arrow and pulled it out of her throat, making it even harder to breathe, searching for 4 with her gaze, coming to the same conclusion as Bera did but faster then she expected her too, with all that's going on.

In a last ditched effort, grabbing the bloody tip of the arrow and scrambling to the boy, arms reached over her, eyes closed and head turned away, put an end to the games.


"Hey, hey! Stay down!" Bera ordered the tribute that almost threw herself out of the hospital bed at her violent awakening.

She tried to say something, terror on her face, but only garbled coughs came out, even a few droplets of blood.

"Lay back down." She forced her down. "You are alive..." She sat back down when the girl did as told, still shaking. "You did surprise me how you did it, but you survived." She felt like she could finally breathe again. "I was not that good of an aim when I started out."

The tribute grabbed her neck, scratching at the bandages that covered the brace but Bera grabbed her hands and pinned them on the bed.

"I wouldn't if I was you, that arrow pierced clean through alright? It is an extensive injury."

She tried to talk again but more coughing.

"You should not try to talk." Bera had a semi-frown. "They are not even sure you can anymore."

That comment scared the girl all over again with tears in her eyes.

Bera let her go, letting her cry and cough on her sobs, not knowing how she could say anything that would help the situation.

She just sighed, staying seated in the plastic chair.

Bera is a selfish bitch.

All she could think of was...

"I brought you back alive."

(Fun fact, at first I wanted to smash her spine in a fall, have 4 kill 2 and have him sit with her and chat away while waiting for who'd die first instead of fighting but as you see I didn't follow that idea... Bera did kill her ally that was shot through the throat so it is familiar.)

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