Immovable Force

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(If is was to line up all my ocs with how much danger they pose to the Capitol, with the least to the left and the most to the right you'd get.

Athena-Paige-a none named district 12/slight AU HG oc-Victoria-Bera.

While Athena would have never thought back if Cato survived, Bera is a whole other can of worms to look at, she is a true victor with the bloodline of 2 even if she is from 8. Between them two Bera is the true danger and the worst out of all me books.

Talking about this I want to make special chapters for my characters fighting each other, like a one-shot of Athena vs Bera or Paige and Victoria... I think I'll do just that... Now excuse me I need to make Athena and Bera fight.)

Arena or no arena, blood would be spilled this morning.

And it would be sweet.

Bera grabbed a stool and pulled the metal poll out of the socket on the ground before breaking the stool part off it by slamming it down.

"Pick your weapon victor and enter the arena once more." Bera pointed the sharp metal edge created at Brutus.

The atmosphere was tense, the disparity instantly showing up, while Bera knew where to strike to break the metal poll free to form an improvised staff, Brutus was stronger but it took him three strikes to do the same as her, not having her expertise in creating makeshift weapons.

"You have pissed me off and I got my brains scrambled." Bera's face almost seemed shadowed by the looming malice, a smile drawn on her face as she tilted her head. "You should know by now that this is not a good combination to deal with. I'll send you to meet your mother in the afterlife... Hmm... No, she must be grateful you haven't yet joined her."

Bera's absolute bastard personality was always a surprise to all, most victors even gaining the ability to feel sorry for Brutus because of it.

"Maybe I should ask Snow to excavate her corpse?" Bera had no idea if she was dead or not, but she didn't care, she doesn't play fair. "I am sure being in 2 is too close, I'd suggest district 8?"

She ducked the jab that would have screwed her head, tapping her impro-spear against it.

"To slow old man, your prime has passed!!" And whipping it around her in a spin, swung upwards.

Blood followed the arc drawn out by the weapon as Bera ended with her legs in a lunge, the back knee hovering over the minefield of glass shards on the ground, the poll pulled back down and aimed up at the victor's chin.

Switching the hold, one hand on each end and lifting it over her head to block a head strike from above.

It wasn't that big of a cut across Brutu's chest, he probably doesn't need stitches but that was from Bera yanking the poll back more towards herself and letting the sharp edge deviate from its course towards the nice artery in the throat.

Sure, she almost invited the knee to the chest that followed that block, it even helped pushing her up to a correct standing position at the cost of a lost breath only.

Avoiding jabs was not the most difficult. The ground is uneven because of the shards and the alcohol on the marble? There was an outright slipping danger here if the shard was not to pierce the soles of their shoes first. And Brutus was aware of that... But Bera was recklessly careless about it.

"You expired Brutus, you are old stories, no one gives a crap about--" Holding it like a bat, swinging. "-YOU!!"

She even had the time to smile at the tooth flying so graciously through the air before the elbow hit got the best of her.

And so, carelessly throwing her arms down into the shards to catch herself to not fall on her face and front, pushing back on them and throwing back a kick where... Yeah... Bera doesn't like fair.

Throwing her heel up into his chin before pushing off his face, rolling on her side and standing in a lunge, slamming her head into his.

Scoffing with a malicious grin as he grabbed his forehead momentarily dazed.

"I have a hard head." Brushing the shards out of her arm carelessly and picked it out of her palms. "And yeah, I said you end up on the ground you lose the fight, true... But I said you."

The spear stabbed into her forearm she lifted to block it before driving her other fist in his nose.

Grabbing Brutus' spear, lifting it above her head and driving it through the back of his shoulder and down with a nice thud on the ground with cronching of glass shattering even more under the strength of one woman.

They had witnessed Bera's durability in face of pain and injuries in the 66th, heck Enobaria had witnessed it when Bera tried to kill her in the 69th, district 8 witnessed it when they beat her for the tesserae incident and she laughed through it.

And once again the victors were witnesses to Bera's inhuman endurance to damage and the monstrous revenge she could dish out, this was truly the to woman to fear.

The immovable force that Snow tried to control and order would not bend to him or anyone else unless it is through her own will.

She took her hands off the poll, letting up with the pressure.

But when they all thought it was the end.

Bare drove her boot down on the back of Brutus' head and ground it into the ground with all her strength. 

"Catch up with the times because like this, you'll die to the first to challenge you because of your big mouth." With a chuckle as she crossed her arms on her knee, Brutus grabbing her leg with one hand only for her to pull the loopy straw from her first drink from the ground and drive it so hard between his pointer and middle finger that the straw came out of his palm.

She tilted her head to the side, then back to the other side, shoving on her foot again as she stood to get off him.

"Do not get in my way, I have no pity for those like you. Thank the rules of the Capitol while you are at it, because you own them your worthless life."

Click click click.

That was the only sound heard inside the lounge with the crunching of glass as Bera departed with a satisfied smile and not a single glance over her shoulder.

Bera was always anti social and didn't know how to deal with emotions, she was always different from other.

She did know and felt some but she always was disgusted by people crying to her and didn't know how to fix it, she could feel fear but found it annoying.

People would say the brain injury accentuated all of this since, it did in some way.

But deep inside.

Bera knew.

She always took a perverse pleasure in inflicting agony and control over others.

And if we look at it in a way.

Snow had a good reason to fear her might.

As even he has morals.

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