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"I hate you."

"I thought you loved me."

"Not anymore."

Bera was not happy that's certain. Enobaria was bored that's certain. Both were quite a sight to see that's certain.

When Bera's brain kick started her body after the chop was... Like a bomb, screaming up a quick storm before the air cleared and only 'rubble' was left in deep silence.

Neither really wanted to acknowledge the current position, so Bera was laying on her stomach, elbows on one side and legs on the other with her upper body on Enobaria's lap, exactly where she feel unconscious, now just a hand holding up her head as she watched the screen. Enobaria had her legs up and crossed on the little coffee table there, arms on the back of the couch and one bent to hold her head.

Neither woman wanting to be the first to bring up all this. From shame? From stubbornness? No one knows, not even them.


At least they found it comfortable.

"How long was I out."

"I don't know, I had the time to take a nap and wake up and see? She's fine." The screen switched to Jessica moments before Enobaria had said that. "You can sleep."

"I can't."

"Oh jeez you idiot... Want me to stick around?"

"What?" Bera looked at her, eyebrow raised.

"I'll need naps but if you want you could ask anyone and I feel like they'd agree to stay up and watch while you get some rest and wake you up if something happens."

"And you volunteered yourself? You careers do that an awful lot."

"I'll piledrive your head into the concrete so hard you'll come out speaking another language." (I don't think in canon HG they even know other languages exist but ssh... Let her say that.)

At that thought alone Bera's head hurt.

"Yeah no thanks."

"I only said so since I am already here and I see no one else, do you?"

"I suppose not... But you refuse to even accept a date from me, this is a bigger commitment then that."

"Then look at THIS as your damned date or something." She gently smacked her on the head, careful that it was nothing more then a surface level smack that wouldn't even hurt a baby... Again, she is not about to create a brain dead victor.

"I think I will." Bera huffed, looking back at the screen and crossing her arms instead of holding up her head, leaning her head on them.

Suddenly the view changed to a district 2 tribute beheading the male district 8 tribute, only a slim string of flesh still holding the head on. The blood spraying high and painting the trees with the surviving tributes, the corpse falling over.

Bera silently watched.

"You know." Enobaria spoke first. "Believe me or not that's up to you but I was quite pleased that 2's tribute didn't kill you with that swing."

"It is as much of a curse as it isn't that I survived a DIY lobotomy." Bera sighed. "Look... Just don't bring Jessica up, not now. All I'll say is my brain unable to correctly dose my reactions to my anger."

"I think I realized that myself." She pushed up her sleeve to look at the bandages. "Tho I thought it was because of the stress, not that injury."

"I might have survived it but the fact that I wasn't immediately being airlifted to get it fixed in the minute just made it worse. It is the frontal lobe that was cut."

Bera flipped on her back, still laying, lifting a hand to poke Enobaria's temple a bit harshly, enough to make it sore on the moment.

"Right through there." She said, dropping her arm and intertwining her fingers on her stomach. "Something about out of proportion emotional responses because of emotion, lost of control over them and less inhibition. Like sure, I am anger, but it is anger with a shove to it."

"Well if it is just that it's fine." Enobaria shrugged, she could deal with it... Wait why would SHE need to deal with it? She'll need to think about that later, go more in depth.

"Oh it is not only that, if only it was just that!" Bera clapped with an annoyed laugh. "Nope, I can get headaches that literally are so bad that I will collapse in the worse cases or seizures... Which are the lesser evil of the two as I usually see them coming and just need to sit down and can avoid hurting myself because I see them coming and--" Bera was suddenly going on that long rant.

Enobaria had a feeling that the victor of 8 never actually confided about this to anyone because of how much of a word vomit that was going on and how it seemed unending.

But she preferred this to their yelling matches or how she'd keep flirting, this was normal.

And so she let her talk up a storm, simply listening to her, eyes still on the screen as 2 went overboard and stabbed the 8's corpse a few more times before finally moving on.

Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum