D-2? No, C4

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(I'll leave it free to comment for a while but people seem to like the idea of d-12 oc like I do, I was thinking about following d-2's naming tradition(?) where it is more Greek/ancient stuff??? Enobaria is named after a Greek general if my searches are correct, Brutus is Brutus the guy to kill Caesar, Cato means all-knowing in latin, and my oc Athena or Ares... I was thinking of another godly name but not as pushed since my ocs are named after gods of war for a reason, this oc is technically d-12 since generations of her family lived here but just haughty bastards proud of their origins... I like the most would be Persephone and the nickname would be Percy just for the heck of it and because I already had used this name but never published her story so I hope you like it... I could put it a few chapters so you can already get to know her...?) 

Bera didn't want to leave Enobaria but she couldn't do much, having agreed to follow Potato in this war.

And so here she was yawning around a big projection table that they were looking at in district 2 to try to invade what they call 'the nut'... Bera had to be gagged to not let her mouth run... What? What's wrong with calling it the Capitol's crotch? Is it too offensive? She doesn't think so.

But she realized one thing... Once she liked Garlic man because he could find good things about her and even if she couldn't get to know him he was strong and determined... Well throw that out the window okay? Because Garlic is trying to convince the group to BOMBED district 2 and is using the effectiveness the Capitol used it on 8 and 12 as example. Hold her back, hold her back or she'll put an end to him! With one sentence destroying all the semblance of possible get-along-ness she might have felt.

And damn did Bera let it be known she'd never support bombing of any district, not even the Capitol itself, because of just how devastating it all is and how it felt to the survivors... Sadly enough her voice was overruled and that man's plan would be put into execution, at least their are leaving an escape route open.

Bera was not happy, really not.

"Are you okay?"

"Oh so now you talk to me?" She asked Potato. "Being scared of your allies is one thing, talking back in favor of such a monstrosity and then avoiding even just eye contact if heinous." She jabbed her thumb in Potatoes chest before switching to her index finger and jabbing harder into the body armor she wore. "You lost 12 like I lost 8, no, I lost more then you ever lost and I still am not being barbaric for the fuck of it. I murder, that's what we all do, but for a cause, not to bomb people that think this is how they'll survive this mess. At this rate 13 will become just another Capitol and I hate Snow, but I'll always choose him over your bitch of a Coin."

Bera was correct. Too correct.

Katniss sighed, knowing this.

"I know." And she said it. "I know well but what can I do? I am their pawn."

"You'll be the pawn of everyone Katniss." She said, getting way to serious, the lack of the jab-like name proved enough. "You'll be a pawn to every person breathing in Panem and it started the day you dared to bring your boy home with berries."

"You are not a pawn."

"Oh I am, but a willing one. You go along with it out of must, I've never heard you ask for anything outside of saving the victors, I am a willing pawn, my own pawn, using what I have to have what I want and Coin doesn't like it. Be a pawn to yourself girly, that's how you get to move and flip the board because no one will be able to tell you what to do."

"Pawns to Coin or Snow..."

"A shitshow yeah?" Bera crossed her arm. "But I don't advise you to oppose Coin, currently you have no chance against her but I'd say to do what you think is right when the time comes."

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