Johanna Fucking Mason

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"You really should learn to read."

A shriek was the reward to Bera's words.

"Get dressed!!"

"Hey this is my quarters, I can be however I want." She freaking had a towel around her, it is not her fault this damned tribute cannot read! "This is 8, 8 is not even close to looking like 7!"

She sighed, she had ran out of the shower hearing some noises, thinking Woof hurt himself in his demented mind but no, it was just the tribute with no sense of direction knocking a vase over while trying to sneak back out of the quarters to the elevator after finding her way her.

"Shoo away little girl, you are not helping either of us by becoming my trouble."

"You ass!" Bera grabbed the decorative wall spears and span it one hand, hitting the thrown phone book looking things out of the air and stabbing it into the ground.

"Do not try to hurt a victor girly." She suspected her not hiding her intentions because she already gave herself away to Bera, she did see her cry on the parade again while she was sure she was not weak at all. "So calm down Jason and leave."


"Look I don't know your name, I remember a J and something similar."

"Johanna Mason you peacock!"

"Oh yeah... And calm it before I get pest control to get rid of you." She yanked the spear out and pointed it at her. "Shoo."

This Johanna tried to grab the spear but Bera moved it out of the way and smacked it on top of her head.


"That's what you get, be happy I felt bad for your outfit because after this I am not dealing with you." She was not showing it but the ground was actually slippery and she wanted to laugh as that many her realize the quarters were not built flat because on the marble floor polished and the water she dragged around, she was slowly sliding backward.

"Fuck you!"

"Go to your damned floor!" Bera lifted the spear and threw it with a spin, forced to grab the wall to not slip and fall as the spear hit the ground between Johanna's feet and fell with a clang.

She rolled her eyes and walked back to the bathroom, locking the door after a thought and sitting on the toilet, watching the door, counting the seconds until... CRASH!!

Another sigh, Blight what are you doing with these children?

She had predicted it correctly, this girl was a water boiler ready to blast off and she'd not take such a loss, she'd try to grab the spear and run down the door to teach her a lesson but would slip on the ground as the shoes lent to the tributes for training were not anti-slip... And it practically played out like that.

She dried herself off as she stood and put on her prepared in advance underwear, a green T-shirt and the newly cleaned maroon pair of pants before opening the door.

"Careful, the floor is slippery." She told the tribute starfished out on the floor with the decorative spear laying next to her, she only got a middle finger back. "Back at you Jonna."

"It's Johanna!!"

"That's what I said."

"No you didn't!"

"Are you all so stubborn in district 7?"

"Fuck you."

"I'll take that as a yes, now up." She grabbed her by her shirt and hauled her up to her feet. "There, now leave or I will drag you out by your ear and even Snow will wince at the ass whooping I'll give you."

"I'm 18! you can't do that!"

"Try me." Bera stepped around her, patting Woof on the back, the old man just watching this all, so mentally degraded he couldn't do much anymore. She sat on the couch to pull on her socks and then work boots. "And shouldn't you be at training anyway?"

"Well no duh."

"Oh yeah, you are playing the cry baby act, one you pitifully fucked up so you are throwing all the insults in my face because you don't need to hold back." She yanked on her laces. "But you should learn to survive if you don't want to die in the arena."


Snow must have already got 7 in the line of sight because of Bera altering the outfits and he'd be aware of her faking it, he has cameras and eyes everywhere.

A woman that lies her ways through the games, tricks the Capitol and can have a chance of winning.

She leaned back in the couch with a sigh through her nose as she sank into the softness, hands in her laps.

Because of her current track record, Johanna winning this year would be a catastrophe as the Capitol doesn't take well to liars, and there must be a reason why she is so confident when she says she doesn't need to train, usually if it was a lie it would be seen easily but not here.

What about Bera putting it her grain of salt?

"Hey Jack?"

"IT IS JOHA--""Yeah yeah whatever." Bera spoke over her as she stood up, tapping the nose of her boots on the floor to be sure they were on correctly. "Want to give a big middle finger to the Capitol?" She asked her with a grin.

Johanna just raised an angry brow but Bera chuckled to herself.

This, this would be the biggest fuck you yet.

And she is looking forwards to it.

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