Bang... Still not to good type.

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(This song is a remix of another, the original is "I credit song for my death", this one is "credits song for my death (but if this is my last stand, I'll make it count.)"..... A song perfect for just how Bera fights. Against careers? Four of them? A spear through her chest? She never expected to survive and once that fear of trying to survive is gone... A man becomes a god... And once again it will be needed.) (Just sharing :3 I might write a oneshot because of that song lol)

To say the imagery of Bera shredding a rose with her teeth was a hit would be an understatement.

But that was the least of her worries, the hovercraft was finally giving out life signals meaning that the other victors would be here soon.

"Julius I love you but fuck off?" She said, Johanna walking so slow.

"No need to run Bera, they will not get here faster."

Bera knew that but still... She had some people to apologize too, Cashmere for merking Gloss and Enobaria for the DIY gastric surgery with a whole new breathing orifice courtesy of a sharp spear and a'to the death' mindset.

She suppose she can slow down, Johanna here should be sprinting to see when Cashmere would be brought in but she wasn't so she can't really be the idiot one.

Potato was good enough for that.

"How long before she walks holes through the tiling?" Bera asked, all the victors waiting in quiet a narrow hall.

Cecelia and Finnick found fun in her comment, a little chuckle from each.

Bera didn't know why Cecelia was here, she was not close to Enobaria or Cashmere, Peeta was not someone she met nor Annie... Emotional support for the four literal children around her? Being the only adult here with Haymitch to know the pain and here with him to help them? Probably.

(Amma merk Cecelia--NO!!!) (I literally just thought of that while writing her name down... Spoiler or not, I am not getting rid of lady nice nice, she is literally Bera's last tie to D8 that was born there so V doesn't count and who she knew so Paylor doesn't count, literally her last thread and Cecelia was ALWAYS meant to survive so I cannot change that now.)

And finally, Garlic came in, Potato just a dead sprint to his side.

"Yeah we are fine but them? A bit shaken."

"A bit?" Boggs said in disbelief. "Some of them are ugly."

She tell others in in-front of her, wanting to be the last one, delaying it.

"FINNICK!!" The shriek of Annie was so loud, so piercing, as she launched herself in his arms.

She had bruises and old healing burns.

And bang, that wall gave the second punch back, head bouncing off it... But it is not like she didn't expect it.

Bera rubbed her jaw, pushing off the wall as a haggard Cashmere held back by Johanna between them both.

Her pretty hair, hacked off in a messy chop, blood still dried on her face, nose bent from a large break, the hospital gown revealing remains of the torture.

"This is all because of you!"

"I know." Bera knew, literally able to prove that if she didn't exist Snow would have just killed Potato once he was too annoyed with her but Bera was his main attention since only 8 kepts getting bombed months before the 75th instead of him quelling the mockingjay revolts.

Cashmere shoved around Johanna, Bera bracing for another punch, leaving herself open but the other woman just hugged her tight, shoulders shaking, she was sure taken aback.

"You damned idiot, if you'd have just waited just a bit more instead of rushing in we'd have taken care of him."

"After I was impaled?"

"The goal was to capture  and have you show us to the others in exchange for your life."

"Well Brutus made his choice and I was forced to make mine... I am sorry about Gloss."

"He is a bit uglier but he'll be fine." She said, backing up, hugging herself.

"Alive?!" Bera barked up, getting glared at by a few medical staff.

"Did you hear his canon?"

"I was kind of working on adrenaline served with hopes and dreams, I survived an impaling dude, I kind of had a limited amount of time and a maximum amount of anger."

"He is not conscious and you did a lot of damage but his alive."

"Nice... I think I need to go tho."

"Wait." Cashmere grabbed her arm. "I don't know what they did to her but be careful."

"When am I not?" Bera freed herself.

"Better question would be when are you?"

She chuckled a bit.

She pulled out her spear and pressed the button, still not used to the length and punching another circular hole through tiles by her feet, one of these days she will break her leg with it...

"I'll just use the blunt part to nudge her back."

And Cashmere was correct... Bera got a bedside table thrown at her followed by those uncomfortable yellow chairs and finally a potted plants.

"Wow bitch it's me!!" Bera swatted everything from the air with the spear, in the archway of the door.

"Step back you mutt!!"

"Ouch Enobaria, I thought you'd at least look like Cashmere but it seems you are hurting me in other ways."

Maybe she just couldn't see the injuries? As odd as it is to say but her face looked normal, tho having a... A bowl cut, now... She'll ask V if she can help out if Enobaria wishes, that woman does her own hair and wigs, she must have some skills there.

Or maybe Snow expected them to grab the victors and stopped hurting her? If this was the plan it was working, Bera feeling guilty the rest were that hurt and not Enobaria even if her not being hurt is also not a bad thing.

"Back!! Stay away you fake!!"

"Fake? I am not fake."

"This is just one of their tricks again!!"

"No it is not! I am me! I am the one that thought they were pathetic to cry while in the arena until I was myself in it, I was the one who's brain is still trying to kill her, I was the one to cry over a boy I barely knew, I was the one to have caused the death of a victor and riots to avenge her, I was who kill my whole district, I am the bastard with the blood of 2 but heart of 8, I am Snow's most hated and I swear to all that lives that I am Bera Helfir, victor of the 66th and worse flirt that you've ever met."

Some of these things Snow couldn't know, Bera knew, being keenly aware where cameras were and some of these were said on that damned roof.

Enobaria's defenses relaxing proved that much, she too remembering it before another sort of anger came over her features.

Bera ducking out the way of another potted plant.

"How did you dare to stab me?!"

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