Dress Up

251 15 15

(wattpad says I published this chapter twice... I did not, I checked, idk why is says that so yeah.)

It was agony.

This feeling on the inside was agony.

She didn't feel the prick of the needle as she sewed her dress for the parade, having three hours to get it done.

But she was getting distracted.

"Gather yourself!" She yelled at herself, glaring at the clothing piece... Snow will regret this.

Oh how he'll regret this.

She was angry, she was hateful, she was Bera and Bera doesn't let these things go unpunished, she'll haunt him, he'll see her everywhere he looks if that's the last thing he does.

And suddenly her door opened.

She expected Woof but she saw someone else, offering a smile.

"You really should learn to read Josephine. This is 8 not 7." She walked over. "But damn what's this outfit?"

"You tell me." Johanna said, clearly angry with all of this but yeah, the outfit was horrible. "Can you fix it?"

"Yeah, I can make it presentab--" "Do you have time for me?" Finnick popped his head in.

"Sur--" "A third maybe?" Chaff if she remembers it correctly, said too.

Bera rose her brow, leaning out the door and her last eye almost fell out of her skull, counting 21 total tributes outside of her door.

She chuckled a bit.

"Oh fuck yeah I have time." She grinned like she had just gotten to news that she could kill Snow. "Come on in, we have a lot of work to do."


If blood pressure could have killed Snow, it would have right at this moment.

District 1: In shimmering golden suit a dress, dress long and flowy, the suit tight and form fitting.

District 2: Red, deep red suits for both, exactly the same just more feminine or masculine, bare chest or a black top under the open jacket part.

District 3: a black dress with circuit board patterns on the sleeves and the bottom of the ball gown dress, a green suit with a light up pattern sown into the chest and back, flashing and showing the image of a bird taking flight.

District 4: fishing net tied around the waist with transparent blue fabrics tied around it to make fake waves with a dark scarf-like cloth around the neck and head. A white dress with waves of blue sewn into it and fishnet sleeves.

District 5: Seemingly simple electric yellow dress but the fabric shifting to a dark orange like a lava lamp, a flexible screen displace shaped to a dress form, the other being pants of stripped orange on white and a cape of the same material.

District 6: A mess of metal that was tire spikes, threaded together with fluffy stranded rope, creating a corset, the skirt made of stripes of many colors sewn as one.

District 7: A bark pattern up top but a flowery skirt below with flowers covering the back and forming a crown around the head with a flowering suit, like a tree in summer and two coattails of flowers.

District 9: A crown of... Wheat? Or at least a look alive with the flow of the dress being similar looking, white blossoms on the chest area and the suit lacking a jacket and suspenders, as if he was heading out to work the fields but with elegance.

District 10: The top marbled with white and brown, patterns of the beloved cows of the district, the skirt looking like those hay bale nets layers on heavily. The same netting tied around the chest of the other, creating a top and ends flapping in the win with crow print pants.

District 11: A deep green sun dress, looking like a rip apple and the headpiece looked like a bowl of elegant fake fruit held together by hair while the suit was a simple shirt with fake dirt patches forming a swirling design on it that looked like plants and deep burgundy pants.

None of these were the outfits he had approved, none.

But out of them all 8 and 12 were what were killing him.

With recent event, he should have been looking at the black flaming outfit of the most recent pair of victors... But now.

Not even Woof was important, a black suit with fake feathers on it.

No it was the victor that gained way to much influence that had all his attention.

Large and black, such were the feathers creating Bera's crown of feathers, black make up lightly brushed on her face, a long dress of dark with many feathers sewn at the bottom, a slight up the side of it, the shoulders cut out just like a deep neckline and a completely open back, tho even without shoulders, the dress still had sleeves, more of those damned feathers seemingly creating wings on her arms.

And both knew exactly why Bera had chosen such an outfit, her malicious grin in his face was proof enough.


Shark Plushy (Enobaria X F.OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon